Chapter Sixty-Two

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 I walked into the place where my death was imminent. I held my head high the entire way in. 


The arena was incredible. 

It was enormous. The ground level, where I stood, was covered in metallic white flooring. Surrounding the floors was a single, oval-shaped, grey wall. There were four entrances to the arena from the ground level; two were doors, and two were gated areas. On top of the wall were rows upon rows of grey bleachers that were filled with a giant screaming crowd. The bleachers were completely packed with roaring, intimidating beings. 

Suddenly, a male voice boomed, "ARRRRRRRE WEEEEE READYYYYYY!"

I jumped and covered my ears. His voice had filled my head completely and bounced off of the sides of my skull. The loud sound of his vivacious voice was especially head-rattling due to my pain-inducing medication. 

Another hectic series of screeches erupted from the boisterous crowd after his words. I deduced that there must have been a hidden speaker somewhere that projected an announcer's voice. 

I took a moment to glance up at the terrifying congregation of beings that had come together merely to see me get beaten senseless. I zeroed in on a few faces, only to see that they were beet-red, shouting vulgar phrases at me, and shaking their fists violently in my direction. 

Why did these people hate me?

I had to look away from them because they were a distraction (and they were heavily disturbing my already shaky mental state). 

The announcer's voice began resounding from the speakers again, causing me to jump once more. 

"From Corner A we have . . . Nira Leven! She will be armed with her own natural power of electricity! Howwww INCREDIBLE!" The announcer yelled everything he said and put a certain exciting tone into every word; he did his job well. 

"From Corner A we have . . . Doctor Kutraron! Today he'll be armed with a metal club and electricity-absorbing body armor! Howwww scary!"

Um, what?, I thought with confusion, Did I hear him right?

I looked across the arena to see my enemy. 

It was true. 

He stood tall. I was unable to see his face because of the black mesh-like armor that covered his entire body. In his left hand he wielded a luminous silver club that had an eerie twinkle to it. 

Oh no, oh no, oh no, I thought anxiously. I was now even more panicked than I had been. The only form of powerful defense and offense that I had would be utterly useless in this battle!

"Today we'll be viewing a classic battle! One-on-one! Friendly competition only! And by friendly, I mean . . . COMPLETE SKULL-BASHING, BONE-BREAKING, NEAR-SLAUGHTER FIGHTING!"

These vicious and brutal words seemed to thrill the mob more; these words brought out their most horrifically voluminous round of cheering yet. 

I shuddered, shut my eyes tight, and clamped my hands over my ears. The sound was unbearable for the state I was in. 

I was disgusted by the crowd -- they were enticed by the thought of skulls being bashed, bones being broken, and almost-slaughtering. How repulsive. 

I had never been that scared before. Kylo Ren had never terrified me that badly. General Hux had never even come close to setting me into such a frenzied panic. Yes, the Knights of Ren had been absolutely horrendous, but this arena, this battle, this situation was on an entire new level of barbarity. 

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