Chapter Twenty-Seven

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If she had enjoyed my sensual actions to the point of vividly dreaming of them, why was she so upset when they happened in real life?

(Author's Note: This chapter is now in Nira's point of view. Super long chapter but super intense at the end!)


I woke up the next day to his grainy, metallic, dark voice. 


My eyelids shot open and my heart immediately beat hard, despite my exhaustion. I looked over and saw him towering over the bed, fully armored, cloaked, and helmeted. 

"It's time for training." His voice boomed out from behind the mask, causing me to slightly flinch. 

I kicked the covers over, swung my legs over the side of the bed, and stood up. I had put on a shirt last night after he'd left. 

I was careless enough to the point where I decided to wear what I'd worn to sleep in to training. I knew it was a bad attitude, but I felt so used after the previous night that I didn't really care. I laced up my boots, strapped on my belt, shoved some food Kylo Ren had set out for me in my mouth, and turned to him. I was ready for my first training session on Beyzuno. 

"Today we'll work a lot with agility, endurance, and strength. We'll do a small bit of dueling at the end, but not much." He explained as I climbed up the ladder before him. 

I opened the trap door and immediately had to shield my eyes from the gorgeous bright sunlight that I hadn't felt since my last day on Tunstead. It radiated throughout me. My eyes finally adjusted to the bright yellow light. When I completely emerged from the trap door I took a good minute to admire the way that the dew glinted on the bright green leaves, the way the sun shone brighter on some parts of the compacted light-brown soil than others because of the way the dense greenery formed a canopy above us, and the way the beautiful sounds of birds chirping, animals moving, and the wind blowing surrounded me.

Wow. This is amazing, I thought. I was in genuine disbelief that simple nature could put me in so much awe, but after remembering that I'd been locked up in a giant metal cube for two months it wasn't that surprising. 

Kylo Ren interrupted my hungry scour of the nature around us by starting off with, "Climb that tree." 

I turned to him, frowned, and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

He pointed one black glove towards a tall tree with several branches evenly spaced apart. "Climb that tree." I stared at him like he was crazy (which, he is -- completely). "Why?" I questioned him with scrutiny. 

"For your strength. Now go, Nira." He commanded. I did not neglect his unusual command as I might've if I weren't as terrified of him as I was now. I had just began to get comfortable with the idea of Kylo Ren until last night. 

I walked slowly over to the tree and put my foot on a branch. I'd never climbed a tree before, so I felt extremely awkward as I hoisted myself higher and higher. 

I looked down towards the ground to see that I was twenty feet up. I gripped the branches and hugged my body tightly to the tree. "Go higher," He called up nonchalantly. 

"You're not the one twenty feet up," I mumbled under my breath. 

"Nira, I will not accept any backtalk from you. Climb higher." He instructed, and my eyes widened. 

Shit. He'd heard me. Somehow . . . 

I continued to climb higher. 

I looked down a short while later to see that I'd climbed another thirty feet. Panic filled me and I felt my stomach drop. "Kylo Ren, I'm coming down!" I was barely able to muster the shaky yell. I began to lower one foot from the branch when he interrupted me.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now