Chapter Thirty-One

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Kylo Ren's point of view.)

With a quick manipulation of the ship's controls on my part, it accelerated to hyperspeed. I was at The First Order's base within minutes.

I had been upset the entire short flight there -- I was consumed with rage. My fingers vigorously trembled as they moved across the controls pad and I couldn't calm my shaking breath. My face was heated. My limbs felt unstable. 

I landed quickly in one of the multiple hangars and opened the door to my ship. 

I walked out into the hangar, quickly taking in the familiar black floors and grey walls. I walked with a threatening aura. I sensed several stormtroopers, commanders, and generals stopping in their tracks to look at me. I stormed past all of them. I had one mission, and I had little time to do it. I hadn't a clue what The Resistance would do to Nira -- murder her? Interrogate her? Manipulate her? Torture her? 

I felt a very specific and strong urgency to get her back. I needed her back.

I briskly walked up to the main control room that overlooked the entire hangar. I extended my palm as I approached the threshold and the door flew open in front of me. It broke off of it's hinges with a sharp bang and fell to the floor, causing a loud clattering sound that disrupted the orderly murmuring. 

I entered looked around; simultaneously, I searched through the minds of the people working in there. Some were terrified by me. Some impressed. All of them were intimidated. 

I scanned the room and quickly found the man I'd came back to the base to 'chat' with. I strode over to him with confidence and power in every step. When I reached him I looked him straight into his hazel eyes and I didn't have to look into his mind to know how much he despised me -- I saw hatred glinting in his eyes, I saw hatred displayed through the way he distastefully pursed his lips as he looked me up and down, and through the way flexed his fingers when I approached him. 

"What happened?" I questioned General Hux in a low and dangerous voice. I could feel everyone's eyes in the control room on me. I was in power. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

I didn't take time to process the anger that erupted inside of me. It exploded outwardly from my body at every angle. In an instant, I instilled The Force on his body and threw him across the room. Hux violently slammed into the glass wall that kept us from the hangar and slid down limply. He remained on the ground, but looked up at me. 

"Kylo Ren!" Control yourself!" He exclaimed angrily, pressing up on his palms to sit up, but he was too dizzy and he collapsed back down. 

My attention was taken away from Hux for a brief instant -- I sensed one of the control room employees going to press an emergency button. He was actually going to call security on me. 

I whipped halfway around and glared at him through my mask. He stared up at me, his hand under the table and ready to press the button that summoned people who would be glad to arrest me. 

I waited a moment before I spoke to him only to let fear truly sink into his cowardly brain. How could he not handle a little bit of my interrogating?! My interrogating of someone else? Not even himself?

"Don't do that." I spoke lowly and menacingly. The employee's eyes were wide and he was frozen in his seat. I turned away from him and shouted the order to all of the employees, "Stand up and step away from your computers!" 

They all immediately obeyed me, much to my inner satisfaction. "Hands on your head!" I commanded, the sense of power rising within me. They all lifted their arms and placed their palms on top of their scalps. I scanned through each of them quickly, making sure they all obliged to my rules. 

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