Chapter Thirteen

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"Yes, come on now, it's scheduled in five minutes and we don't want to be late." He beckoned me towards his quarters' door and I couldn't find it in myself to move. I was paralyzed with shock and terror.

When I finally mustered the physical strength to begin moving, I shuffled into the hallway next to him, thinking, So this is what it feels like. Knowing you're going to die.


The willpower it took for me to not turn and begin sprinting away from Kylo Ren was agonizing. Oh, I wanted to flee so badly. So, so badly.

One of the scariest parts of our trek was the thought that kept going through my head. Am I going to die?

Kylo Ren explained in three sentences what a transporter was but I barely listened to -- or comprehended -- his words.

The time passed by so quickly. I barely could keep up with what was going on. One moment I was in the hallway, listening to my new shiny boots gently hit the ground, the next my entire body was pressed tightly against Kylo Ren's armor in the so-called transporter, and the only thing I could hear was our quiet breaths -- mine nervous and shaky, his cool and composed.

He lead me all the way to the room of my possibly-imminent assassination. I didn't want to die like this. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

As we neared the door at the end of the long hallway, I stopped in my tracks and began to run backwards, but Kylo Ren grabbed onto my wrist with one of his gloved hands. I flinched and immediately felt a powerful strain on my wrist. He was gripping it so tightly it pained me greatly.

"Don't do this right now. Don't." Kylo Ren ordered. There was an air of threat in his words. I stared at his mask, my eyes wide with fear. In my mind I thought, It would be really amazing if he suddenly turned to the light side and ran away with me.

I felt the fingers inside my skull and I knew instantly he was using The Force to see in my mind. Kylo Ren chuckled. "Never." He answered my thoughts in a low mutter with humor laced in his tone. He thought this was funny?

Get out of my mind, I thought furiously. I wanted to do violent things to Kylo Ren. I wanted to hurt him the way he'd hurt me when he took away my everything from me, hurt him the way he's hurting me right now by taking me to get something extracted from inside of me.

We reached the door and walked in. It was a big room with white walls and a sleek black floor, much like every other place in their base.

Crowded around the edge of the room were people in lab coats that were holding clipboards and pens. In the middle of the room was an lowly elevated square-shaped podium. The podium had two perfect indents in the middle of it and two poles on either side of it with cuffs on the ends. Wires connected to the poles and the podium. The wires lead to a big metal box that was connected to the wall to my left.

Kylo Ren released me and walked to the wall behind me. I turned and watched him go. Something made me desire his assistance. I didn't want any of these scientists touching me, and he was the only person I was remotely familiar with.

A woman in a lab coat walked up to me. "Nira. Follow me." She instructed with a gentle voice. She began walking and I slowly followed her. The butterflies in my stomach were slamming against my stomach's walls and my heart violently thumped in my rib cage.

We walked to the other edge of the podium and I saw stairs leading up to it. The woman nodded towards me and I looked at the stairs. I swallowed and looked around at everyone, trying to find Kylo Ren in the crowd, but I took too long. "Nira." The woman spoke, her voice much less gentle. I knew it was time.

I had to force one foot over the other up the stairs. That was the most terrifying thing I'd experienced. I was making myself walk to my very-likely death. "Put your feet in the imprints. Extend your hands to the cuffs." She instructed, walking back towards the wall. I reluctantly obeyed.

I am going to die.

I don't want to die.

But I'm going to.

I tried to take deep breaths, but they weren't deep -- my breathing was shallow and accelerated.

Suddenly a metal substance came up and encased both of my feet so I couldn't move from the podium, making me jump. The cuffs came together simultaneously and clasped around my hands. I was completely immobile.

I heard a low-pitched and metallic wheeee sound above me. I looked up and saw wires extending down towards me, and what were those on the ends? They looked like rubber cups with . . . Needles in the middle?!

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

I began to panic. I yanked at the cuffs and pulled up at the metal that trapped my feet down but I couldn't budge, all the while the wires dropping lower and lower.

They reached me and attached.

I shut my eyelids as tightly as I could and braced myself for death.


Author's Note

How was this chapter? I hope it was good!

Comment any initial thoughts you have on this chapter and go ahead and vote if you liked it ;)

Thank you so much for 1k reads! That literally makes me so happy and inspired to write more idek what to do with myself haha!

Okay I will update ASAP, I don't know when ASAP is going to be but it will be ASAP!

Bye :)

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