Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Soon enough, my eyelids were refusing to remain open and my body was urging me to slip into unconsciousness. I listened to the internal signals telling me to sleep and finally fell under to the sound of my lover gently humming to me and to the feeling of his fingertips on my back. 


 I was semi-conscious for several minutes before my eyes finally opened. It was still dark in my bedroom, of course. 

The darkness oddly brought Tunstead into my mind. I missed my homeland. I missed the windows that I could look out in the morning, and I missed the sunlight that awoke me.

However, I knew that I could never see that place again, so I groggily swung my legs out of bed, stood up, stretched, and began to get ready for my day. I was not surprised that Kylo Ren had left after I'd fallen asleep; the need to keep our relationship in secrecy still very much outweighed both of our wants to sleep in the same bed together.

Once I was dressed in my usual tight, black clothing, I headed out the door. I figured that, by the end of the day, I had to get in a little bit of individual training with weapons, attend my squadrons afternoon session, and go to the medcenter to get a check-up for my burns. I didn't know if I would end up seeing Kylo Ren, but I really hoped I would. 

I decided to go to the armory and train for a bit first. I made my way down to the armory, and when I walked in, I was surprised to find that I wasn't alone. 

Right when I walked through the threshold, Kespia used the Force to throw a huge metallic object against the wall. The object crashed against the metal wall with a deafening bang, causing both Kespia and I to flinch. 

"Hello." I said, partly to greet Kespia but partly to let her know that I was there. She turned, gave me a nasty, disgusted look, and then turned back. 

I stopped in my tracks, appalled by her rudeness. I decided to disregard it for the time being.

Mildly irritated, I headed over to the weights and began going through my daily training. 

I was very impressed with how my body had evolved ever since I'd began my training at The First Order. My muscles had developed in ways that I'd never thought they could. I was now extremely lean and toned. 

When my muscles were burning and I could no longer lift the metal weights, I stopped. Sweat was dripping everywhere -- down my neck, into my panting mouth, on my arms -- so much, in fact, that I didn't even bother attempting to wipe it off. 

Still, Kespia's rudeness bothered me to no end. I set down my weights, and turned to her. She had continued training vigorously throughout my entire session. 

After she finished the maneuver she had been going through when I looked, I blurted out, "Why do you hate me?!"

She looked at me. Her bright brown eyes were stern and she held a stone-cold countenance. Kespia seemed to despise me, but I had no clue as to why. 

"I haven't done anything to you! Why don't you like me?" I demanded, raising my hands as if to demonstrate my confusion. 

Kespia rolled her eyes, ignored me, and went back to her maneuvers. 

"Answer me!" I exclaimed angrily. "What is wrong with you!"

Kespia then turned to me and placed her hands on her hips. "Have you ever thought that not everyone has to like you? Some people might think you're stuck up and arrogant. Some people think you're spoiled rotten by Kylo Ren because you guys are in love."

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. Internally, my heart beat and my stomach felt like it was free-falling.

She found out. How did Kespia find out about Kylo Ren and I? Play it cool. Play it cool. If she's only assuming that we're in a relationship then I can't give it away and confirm her suspicions.

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