Chapter One-Hundred-and-Six

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Author's Note: Nira's POV

I fell asleep with two things battling in my mind -- how much I truly adored Kylo Ren and my own dishonesty to him. The latter ended up gripping my mental state until I uneasily drifted off to sleep.


My morning was extremely bland. I woke up, read the note Kylo Ren left telling me that he had several conferences the entire morning and wouldn't be able to see me, and then walked to the Dining Hall by myself. At the Dining Hall, I had the pleasure of sitting across from General Hux's bright face while I ate my breakfast nutritional discs.

"Good morning, Nira. Glad to have you back." The redhead greeted snidely as I sat down with my plate of the blue discs.

I rolled my eyes and elected not to respond. I didn't want to deal with Hux or any of his dramatics that morning. The lie was still biting at me.

I knew that I hadn't been brainwashed by The Resistance, and I couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if I would've been honest with Kylo Ren.

"Nira," Hux spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. I ignored him for a solid ten seconds before he again requested my attention, "Nira!"

I looked up at him fiercely and replied, "What?! What could you possibly want?"

Hux glanced at Kylo Ren's empty seat behind me and looked again at me with mock innocence, but he made it clear that he was purely antagonizing me. "Are you saving that seat for your boyfriend, or is he not coming today?"

Hux then commanded my attention. I leaned forward and squinted my eyes. "What did you just say?" I dared him to repeat it threateningly, but my insides had transformed into ice.

The corner of his thin, despicable lips began to turn upwards, but Hux fought off his smirk in order to continue his display of mock innocence. "Your boyfriend. What's his name again? Kylo Ren? Yeah, him. Is he coming to breakfast today?"

I was silent for a few moments, analyzing the situation and deciding how to manage it. I then let the angered countenance slide off of my face and put on a straight face so no one could tell what I was thinking. I sat back up normally and replied, "I don't know what you're talking about, General. Kylo Ren is not my boyfriend -- he is my trainer and a mere figure of authority."

General Hux raised an eyebrow. "That can't be. Kylo Ren has to be your boyfriend. With how irrational he reacted while at The Resistance's base, there's no way he isn't romantically involved with you some way."

I looked directly into Hux's cruel eyes. "We are not romantically involved in any way, shape, form, thought, or idea, so I would appreciate it if you would drop and forget the subject."

I then stood up, took care of my tray, and hurriedly walked from the Dining Hall in a panic.

What was Hux talking about, how Kylo Ren acted irrational at The Resistance's base? I know I'll have to ask Kylo Ren himself about that. I'll have to let him know to take it down a notch about me because if Hux is suspicious then someone else has to be, as well, I thought worriedly as I marched myself down the hallways.


I walked back to Kylo Ren's cell hours later, panting heavily. Sweat drenched me. I had just finished quite a difficult training session. Usually when I finish sessions and hard workouts, my mood is naturally higher than average because of the hormones released during exercise, but today that was not happening.

I knew exactly what was keeping my mood down. The lie was still floating around my mind. It had distracted me throughout the entire duration of my training session and now consumed my thoughts as I absentmindedly meandered back towards Kylo Ren's cell.

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