Chapter Thirty-Seven

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(Author's Note: OKAY WATCH THE VIDEO I POSTED IT IS SO FUNNY OMG! It's Kylo Ren/Star Wars related!)

Kylo Ren left me, deserted, in his cell for hours. I didn't dare leave or attempt escape. I knew, even with his training, that I would be captured and returned to his cell.

Pace. Sit. Think. Contemplate. Tremble with fear. Cry. Repeat. 

That is what I endured for several hours on end after Kylo Ren had hurriedly departed from the cell where he'd terrorized me. 

Finally, my eyelids swollen with exhaustion, I collapsed onto the bed where he had seductively hovered above me before his mindless rage, and I slipped into a shallow sleep.


Several times during the night I was jolted from my slumber, sweating, shaking, and crying, by horrific dreams. I had to calm myself down, wipe the sweat and tears off of my face with the blankets, and slowly fall back asleep. 


I awoke slowly. My eyelids fluttered open and it took me several minutes to swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up. I couldn't tell if it was day or night. 

I walked over to the control panel and turned on the lights. I checked the time. It was almost ten in the morning. I looked at the nightstand and saw a note. I immediately was sure who had deposited the note so carefully onto the nightstand and was a tad unhinged that he had entered the cell while I was dormant and unaware of his presence. 

Had he watched me? Touched me? Almost hurt me (again)? 

I shook my head and opened the note. 


I will meet you in the training arena fifteen minutes after ten this morning. We must continue our sessions. 

Kylo Ren'

I scoffed upon reading his minute and slanted signature. He really wanted me to train with him after the previous night's events? Did he really think I wanted to be anywhere near him? 

I was confused, angry, and upset about last night. One thing I couldn't shove out of my mind was the wonder as to whether or not he knew that I still possessed some degree of the electrical powers that The First Order originally took from me. I was also still clueless as to why he had gotten so enraged in the first place. I understand that my knowledge of his past may cause some annoyance, but never did I think that it would cause a virulent rage.

He would have to be endlessly persuasive and persistent to get my interest in him and his training sessions reignited. Before last night I had been positive of my future as a warrior from The First Order; now I was doubting my confidence in the decision. Did I want to continue my life under his constant surveillance? Did I want to be labeled as Kylo Ren's apprentice? It almost seemed too dangerous of a task.

I was so undetermined about my future. I decided to go to the training session no matter what I was uncertain about just out of the curiosity of what it would behold. 

I got myself dressed into my normal, skin-tight, black training clothing and began my way down to the training arena. Stormtroopers marched passed me and their feet impressively echoed against the walls in unison. 

I arrived to the arena in almost no time at all. When I walked in, he was fully cloaked and donned all of his armor (including the scorned helmet) ; the hidden table was risen out of the ground, and he faced away from me with his palms flat to it. His head was facing downwards and he seemed to be extremely focused. 

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