Chapter Twenty-Five

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We climbed into the transporter, my body clamped against his, and we began to ready ourselves for the departure to Beyzuno. 


 Kylo Ren decided last-minute that I would receive my armor after our return from Beyzuno. He had said, "We need to get you out of here as fast as possible. What if The Resistance is coming right now?"

So Kylo Ren sent Lescapus off to pack our rations, he went to gather some other necessities, and we began to make our way to the hangar. 

In five minutes we were on a sleek grey ship with two wings jutting out of the sides. Kylo Ren was to pilot us there and back. There was a simple communication unit for me in case anything went wrong with him and I needed to contact The First Order for help. We also had emergency food in a special compartment.

As the ship was zooming out of the hangar, I looked back at The First Order's base. No one was waving or had said goodbye to either Kylo Ren or I. Everyone was immediately back to work. 

I sat down at a simple chair and listened to his rough mechanical voice communicate with people back at The First Order. 

After about five minutes he was done talking with them. He piloted in silence, but I had so many questions I couldn't resist asking. 

"How long does it take to get there? To Beyzuno?" I asked him.

Kylo Ren's only acknowledgment towards me was a response; he didn't turn to look at me or anything. "Three hours at the most."

What followed that question was three hours of uncomfortable silence; I didn't have the guts to ask another question, and he was focused on getting us to Beyzuno safely. 

I studied his back. I studied the way his helmet abruptly ridged outwards in the back and I studied how very precisely his cloak was sewn. I studied the way he smoothly and slowly moved his arms, and I studied the way his hand tightly grasped onto all of the knobs and levers.

Finally we approached a planet that was a pale yellow with forest-green swirls. Kylo Ren aimed for a green section and as the ship began descending I made out trees -- lots of trees. 

He landed in an open field smoothly and the ship's door opened. Kylo Ren used The Force to levitate the cases all of our things were packed in and the cases obediently followed us a, each a few inches off of the ground. I followed Kylo Ren off the ship and then followed him wherever he walked, because I didn't know where I was going. At all. 

It felt a little bizarre, traveling to unknown planets with Kylo Ren.

The ground was a soft soil, and we were in a field filled with yellow wheat. Surrounding the field was a massive variety of trees sixty feet or higher. It reminded me slightly of Tunstead, which brought a downcast cloud over my head. 

We walked wordlessly for an hour or so. We trekked into the woods and took several turns. Kylo Ren suddenly stopped in his tracks and I bumped into him -- he didn't budge in the slightest.

He then used The Force to lift several layers of leaves and branches off of the ground ahead of us to reveal a sleek and silvery trap door. He opened it and waved, allowing me in first. 

I climbed down the cold, metal, black ladder all the way into a cool and dark room below the surface of the planet. Kylo Ren followed, and then case-by-case our luggage neatly filed in. He turned on a light and began unpacking. 

I sat on the edge of the black bed in the corner of the room and picked at my nails. Every so often I would hear his bustling cease and I would look up to find him staring at me; I couldn't tell whether his stare was laced with affection or disgust because of that dumb mask. Kylo Ren would, upon my catching him peering at me, look away quickly and pretend he hadn't been checking me out.

He had finally settled us in. Kylo Ren then pulled out a small meal from a case for himself and I. We began eating at the brown table in the opposite corner. I noticed that the ground was soil but the walls and ceiling were made of silver. 

I would constantly look up from my food and see him staring at me. We hadn't exchanged a word since my question on the ship. An awkward and unsettling aura surrounded both of us. 

Kylo Ren used The Force, sitting at the table, to elevate and move one black case to the side of the bed. "That's your case. You can change into different clothes soon. Our training will begin tomorrow."

I nodded and continued to eat my food. 

I didn't know what to do when we were finished eating, but Kylo Ren busied himself with the tasks of putting the food under the table, unpacking the training gear, and finally setting the remaining suitcases at different parts of the room. 

Several times during his organizing he would glance up at me, see me watching him, and glance away. The thing that grew irritating was that he still donned his mask, cloak, and armor -- I wished he didn't.

I began to grow tired and I finally got up from the uncomfortable wooden seat at the table. I walked over to my suitcase, opened it, and pulled out a plain black knee-length nightgown with straps, but no sleeves. I shrugged, thought carelessly, this will do, and nearly began to strip when I remembered the presence of Kylo Ren in the room. 

I turned, and surely enough he was intrusively viewing my clothed body. He looked away again, and I felt annoyance rise in me. "Why do you keep looking at me?" I questioned in an aggravated tone, staring the back of his cloak down. 

He turned to me, and his altered voice growled out, "I'm not."

I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. "Yes you are. I see you every five seconds." I exaggerated sarcastically and put one hand on my hip. 

I then felt the sensation of a peculiar and much-loathed feeling -- the imaginary fingers making their way into my head. I glared deeply at Kylo Ren, knowing he was sifting through my thoughts. 

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Why do you deny my attention when you and I both know that you enjoy it?"

The glare-frown duo slipped off my face and my lips slightly fell open. My eyes widened, and I had no response to him. I felt heat rise into my cheeks and I knew I was beet-red. 

"Well, I'm getting changed, so don't look." I told him with much less passion and a lot more weakness than my previous statements of accusation. I didn't want to reply to his expertly phrased question that I didn't really know the answer to in the first place.

I turned back to face the bed and speedily pulled off my shirt. I picked up my nightgown and raised it above my head. Before my arms came down, I felt gloved hands on my bare rib cage. His gloved hands. 

I jumped and whipped around to find him a foot away from me. When I turned, his hands hadn't pulled away from me. They had remained on my body. I crossed my arms, covered my chest, and exclaimed in a high pitch, "What are you doing?!" 

I felt so humiliated and bare. If my cheeks were red before, I'm sure they're magenta now, I thought, annoyed that I displayed on my face all the emotions I felt.

He removed one hand to take off his mask and he lightly shook his head to situate his gorgeous black locks. He took the other hand off me, swiftly pulled off his gloves, tossed them on the bed, and replaced his hands on my torso. I shrunk inwardly and averted my vision from his, but I could feel his intense brown eyes staring into my face. 

"Nira . . ." He whispered, leaning in so close that his nose brushed against my forehead, "I want to kiss you."


Author's Note

So I decided to end this chapter with a little suspense! I know it's a shorter chapter but TOMORROW ARE FINALS . . . AND I AM PANICKING. 

But I had to update for you guys ;). Half day at school tomorrow so hopefully I can update one or two times! Maybe three, if you're reaaaaaalll lucky!

Okay, also, if you guys ever feel like sending me a message to my inbox we can talk about whatever you want except this story's upcoming plot. Feel free, because I like talking to all of you!

Okay, bye :)

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