Chapter Seventy-Three

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.)

I got done with work for the day and returned back to my -- well, technically Kylo Ren's -- cell. Immediately upon entering the cell I noticed a piece of paper lying on the nightstand that I undoubtedly took to be one of his notes. I rushed over to the nightstand and ripped it open. 

'Dear Nira,

I am going, with a few other employees, on a recruiting mission to a place far off in the universe. I will be back in a few days.

You are still technically my apprentice; therefore, we will need to recommence our private training upon my return. We will advance our training with the new apprentice that I am going to gather.

I am looking forward to the continuation of working with you.

-Kylo Ren

Postal Script: Sometime, I would enjoy to hold a chat with you about past events occurring between us.'

I stared at the note blankly for several minutes, trying to determine if there was a secret meaning behind any of the words that I had to decipher. My suspicions came up short. 

I couldn't keep my mind off of who he was bringing back, and why. How did he find them? Why did he need to recruit them? How powerful were they? What if they brought harm to The First Order? Would he come back safely?

I also didn't know if I wanted to keep training with him. I knew that his training would obviously be more beneficial than my own devised system, but I couldn't stand the thought of being in the same room as him. Of course I didn't hate him or anything of the sort -- I merely dreaded seeing of him because of how bad he had emotionally hurt me. 

The day of our fight, Kylo Ren had hurt me on several different occasions, and in so many different ways. First, he announced to me that if we were to continue our relationship we would have to keep it exclusive and private because continuing our relationship was life threatening. I had done the only rational thing -- I had ended our relationship because of how dangerous it was for the both of us. That was the most sensible thing to do. 

Kylo Ren then had gotten furious with me. He used The Force to take control of me and attempted to seduce me. That had only hurt my feelings because I had been sure that I meant too much for him to even consider using The Force on me. Apparently, I had been wrong. 

He then had left the room. 

Later that day, I tried to mend things with him before they worsened by seeking him out and talking things through. He confessed his love for me; based off of that crucial information I had reversed my earlier decision to end our relationship. I took a chance and I kissed him. 

Kylo Ren kissed me back, too. My heart had begun to excitedly pound and my chest felt elated as he clasped his hands to my side and moved his lips passionately against mine. Thoughts of the prospect of sharing love and a stable relationship with him began to race through my mind and I could barely contain my ecstatic emotions.

Then he pushed me away. All of my optimistic, delighted thoughts were immediately washed away and all that was left was an empty, crumbling feeling in my gut. 

He had realized his mistake too late. By the time he had caught up to me in the hallway, the empty feeling had been replaced by a blinding, white-hot rage. I smacked him. 

I hadn't seen him since. 

I set the note slowly down and perched myself gently on the bed, letting my feet dangle off. I had to take a moment to try and consume what he had proposed in the note. 

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