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My hands began to slip as I desperately held onto the dreadful droid. This was a mistake. I don't know why tonight I keep messing up. I try to look everywhere but down, on a building I see a person with a gun of some sort and before I'm able to process it, the droid is blown to bits.

I'm released and now free falling between cars. I try to angle myself to slow the fall but whatever I do doesn't seem to help.  I look around for the person who shot the droids vehicle and I spot it racing in one direction. Then I feel relieved as I see a familiar yellow speeder race underneath me. I grab onto the back and climb into the seat.

"What were you thinking?!" Obi-Wan yells at me,

"That I wanted to find out who it was!" I yell back over the zooming traffic. "There! Follow that speeder!" I tell Anakin at the driver seat as I squeeze next to Obi-Wan taking the far seat.

"This better work, (Y/N). The senator could be in more trouble now." Obi-Wan scorns me as Anakin accelerates the speed to catch up to the bounty hunter.

"She's not, I promise." I say back.

Anakin zooms dangerously following the speeder I pointed out. This boy is a crazy flyer, I trust him but his flying makes me very nervous at times. Obi-Wan more than I. I feel as though I've looked death in the eyes more than once while flying with him.

"Anakin watch out!" I hear Master Kenobi yell. At this point I've covered my eyes with my hands as I cannot bear to watch the looks at deaths face any longer especially after I almost fell to my death earlier with the droid.

After a few more close calls, I am comfortable enough to open my eyes and watch as the speeder flys into a tunnel. I assumed Anakin would follow but instead he turns and goes another way.

"Anakin, they're going that way, where are you going?" Obi-Wan asks him,

"If we keep this up any longer that creep is gunna end up deep fried." He says continuing his path, "And personally I'd like to know who he is and who he's working for. So this is a shortcut... I think." Anakin mumbles.

"You think?" I clarify,

"I hope." He swallows hard and I close my eyes again to relax. As much as I had a crush on him, oh man did he frustrate me too.

He continues driving the way he wanted until it becomes very clear the person we're looking for is no where in sight.

Anakin stops the speeder to the side as Obi-Wan begins lecturing both of us.

"I'm deeply sorry, Master." Anakin apologizes.

"Some short cut, Anakin. Now you've lost him, he went completely the other way. Now (Y/N) 's risks has gone completely useless, I don't know how many times I need to remind you-" suddenly Anakin steps up in the middle of his lecture.

"If you'll excuse me." Suddenly Anakin jumps out of the speeder.

"Anakin!" I yell after him, not seeing what he saw.

"Oh God, I hate it when he does that. Obi-Wan slides over to the controls and begins flying.

"You mean he's done that before?" I ask. Very worried for the boy.

"More than I'm willing to admit." Obi-Wan speeds after the falling Anakin. I watch as Anakin lands on.. The bounty hunters speeder! He got them! Come on Anakin, please be careful.

We both watch as Anakin slides over the speeder and soon pulls out his lightsaber to stab the top of the car.

"What is he doing?" I ask, "He's going to get himself killed! I thought he wanted to know answers not kill him!" I exclaim, frustrated.

"Well, he's not going to get any answers if he doesn't stop the speeder." Obi-Wan hopes, trying to convince himself more.

"We won't get answers if he's dead." I mumble and shake my head, I shouldn't have jumped onto that droid. Suddenly I see the silver cylinder flying back at us. I reach up my hand and catch it.

"Anakin's lightsaber." I tell Obi-Wan.

"Of course it is." He grumbles, disappointed. Then the bounty hunters speeder is on fire, pummeling down to the ground.

"Anakin!" I let out a cry.

Obi-Wan speeds up to find a place to park. Once we are close enough to the ground I jump out of our speeder and run to where the crash may have been.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now