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We began running to the interrogation block, pausing before every hall to make sure no droids are there.

"Hurry, take out the surveillance." I ordered.

Longshot then shot the cameras. Then because of course our lives are never that easy, the corners of the wall then began to shoot at us.

"Get back!" Obi-Wan said. Us Jedi stayed trying to repel all the blasts, while the soldiers aimed their weapons to destroy the blasters. Eventually we made our way through.

"Look out! The walls are electrified!" Pointer yelled, we all began to ran to the next hall opening. Everyone made it, except Longshot.

"Longshot!" Pointer reached out to his friend but it was too late.

"We must keep moving." Obi-Wan said, staring at one of his own men.

We departed from the body. We walked quickly to the interrogation hall, avoiding as many droids as possible. We could tell where Anakin was just by how many droids were placed in the hallway, I'm sure he never went anywhere in this facility quietly.

"Ahsoka, the 501st, and I will take the left side. Obi-Wan and your battalion will take the right." I whispered.

We went approached them quietly. It was simple battle droids and super battle droids. We attacked them swiftly, the battle took maybe a minute. I used a Jedi mind trick to unlock the doors.

Inside there were three more droids. Anakin stood with his limbs bound in the kind of prison cuffs that held us on Geonosis 2 and a half years ago. Two troopers shot two down, Obi-Wan sliced the one doing the torturing. Ahsoka smashed the machine below him which held him up, I caught him as he fell.

At least he was in my arms.

"What are you guys doing here? You know people usually break out of prison, not in?" He held onto me, I could feel his limbs were weak from being held up for so long. Obi-Wan and I exchanged a look.

"At least your sense of humor stayed in tact." Obi-Wan said as I helped him Anakin up the stairs of the cell.

"Of course, that's something I'll never lose." Anakin smirked. "It takes more than just some stupid droids to crack me." Then he noticed Ahsoka.

"What's she doing here?" He asked, his eyes were incredulous. The sight of her was like a wake up call.

"Really, not a good place to explain all that, lets focus on getting you out of here." I said, Anakin began to gain his strength again, I think he was ready to walk on his own but he stayed with his arms around me. This was the only way he could actually show me affection. Ahsoka and the battalions don't know about our marriage.

"Why did they take Rex?" I asked.

"I gave him half of the information. It was a lot of information, I couldn't remember it all. As soon as they found out I didn't document it on any computers they found a way to get both of us." He told me.

"Where is he being held?" Obi-Wan asked.

"In his own cell. It'll be the only other one that was guarded like mine was. We were the ones who resisted arrest, you could say." Anakin said. He seemed to have fully restored his strength. He was so strong.

"Well then, we'd better get moving." I said, and we continued out walk, fast but cautious.

Upon walking down a hall, an elite droid troop decided it wanted to join us. I handed Anakin his lightsaber that was recovered back on Vanqor. He accepted and we readied our sabers, Anakin and I taking the back of the group and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka taking the front.

I took a second to watch as Anakin was so graceful with his weapon. He was able to slice through three droids at once, always cutting them in half or at their necks.

This was a foolish move to watch him because a droid tackled me. But I ignited my saber through its chest, the fear didn't live long. I kicked it off and rejoined the fight agains the elite droids. These droids were different, they had flexibility, but they also had patterns. The moment you recognize these patterns you can beat them.

We were winning easily, but then the whole room grew into a high pitched screech as the ceiling became magnetized. I covered my ears for protection, but I realized my partner was on his way to the ceiling. I always forgot his arm was made of metal.

"Anakin!" I yelled after him, then as I did purple electric shocks covered the wall and him.

"You fools!" A raspy voice came over the intercom, "I hope you enjoyed the reunion with your fellow Jedi! Because you're going to be my guests, for a very long time." The voice cackled. It was the warden. Obi-Wan and I exchanged a glance.

The droids were also metal, the. Why were they not floating up like the others? Obi-Wan tested it, pushing them back. Their feet stayed on the ground. The floor must also be magnetized, they aren't going anywhere.

On both sides we did our best to push back the droids. Their feet stayed in place as the soldiers disarmed them, then shot them down. I heard Anakin above me, he was being electrocuted.

I looked up and saw him able to grab his lightsaber and slice the magnet control panel. He was truly amazing.

"We have to keep moving!" Obi-Wan said.

Anakin fell to the ground as the static bounced off him. Instinctively I rushed to him to make sure he was okay, I touched him and it zapped my fingers.

"Anakin? Are you okay?" I asked.

"You could say sparks are flying between us." He winked after I turned him onto his back. He was fine.

"Alright, lover boy. Get up, we gotta get you outta here." I rolled my eyes. I helped him get up, his pain tolerance was incredible. I wish I were that strong.

We ran to the detention block. Again, the only one guarded. We did the same drill as before. Except the droid on the inside opened it for us. Anakin sliced that one down, then Ahsoka took the other one on the inside.

"Finally! What took you guys so long?" Rex laughed.

"I see this place just breeds jokesters." I rolled my eyes.

"What's the plan for getting us out now? Theres got to be at least 10 squads on the way." Rex asked.

"I think it'd be best to split up. Rex and I distract them while you and Anakin lure them away." Obi-Wan suggests.

"What good would that do? Shouldn't we stick together?" I asked, thinking it be better to stay in a bigger number.

"Not necessarily. That way if they capture one of you, they'll only be getting one part of the information." Obi-Wan says.

"He has a point, and we don't have much time." Anakin says. We all nodded in agreement. Obi-Wan would lure droids to them, and bomb a whole level to distract them as we make our way through the fuel pipeline, blowing up areas if necessary.

I led our team to where according to old archive data shares a wall with the original fortress' tunnels.

"Here." I felt the wall, I had a feeling this was where it was.

I backed up and Anakin cut a large circle in it with his saber.

"Alright, everyone in." I said, motioning for them to follow me in. I really hope Obi-Wan's distraction works, because if not there will be a hundred battle droids lined up behind this wall.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara