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I landed at the temple in my speeder. I hid my face to avoid anyone else besides Master Windu. All I wanted to talk to was him, and see the intentions of the Jedi, how they would deal with the information I could offer them.

I found him in the left hangar bay. He was walking with troops of his own and I was hesitant to approach him.

"Master?" I spoke up from behind him. He turned around to see me. Immediately he left his troops and grabbed me tightly by the arm to bring me aside.

"What is going on?" He hissed.

"Too long to explain right now, what is happening?" I asked. Master Windu hated being a General, if he ever was with troops something was incredibly wrong.

"Obi-Wan has just told us that he has destroyed Grievous. We're going now to make sure the Chancellor restores his emergency powers back to the Senate. Now what were you-" He spit out,

"He won't return his powers." I cut him off. Master Windu's face twitched and before he could say another thing I continued, "I've just found something out about him that I never knew before. I believe Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."

"A Sith Lord?" Master Windu looked incredulous,

"Yes. He's the one we've been looking for." I said, defeated, begging for someone to believe the things I was saying.

"What makes you think that?" he folded his arms.

"He told me he knows the ways of the force; he's been trained to use the Dark Side." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He narrowed his eyes. I could tell he didn't know what to believe in me. He saw the struggle I was dealing with. I was tired and gross. He felt disappointed in me, I was a failure to his training.

"Absolutely." I told him with as much confidence I had.

"If that's so then our worst fears have been realized." He searched my face a moment longer before walking back toward his men, "We are to move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive."

I followed Windu as he began to leave, I had to go with him. I had to see where they take him so maybe I could go to him to ask for the knowledge of saving my children. Plus, a great part of my knowledge will come from what they do to retrieve the Chancellor. I'm still on the council, I'm still in the Jedi Order, I want to protect it now while I still can. That's what Anakin would want me to do.

"Master, The Chancellor is extremely powerful, you're going to need my help if you want to arrest him." I requested, walking beside them.

"For your own good stay out of this affair." He stuck a hand in front of my stomach to stop me and cut me off from the other Masters to talk to me directly, "I sense a great deal of confusion in you. Your judgement has been clouded by your attachments."

"I must do this, Master. Please." I begged, I needed to go. I needed to see.

"No, if what you've said is true, you'll have regained some of my trust." He stared down at me. I felt heat boil my blood at the thought of continuing to be excluded from the council, at the thought of actually having no choice to come back and fight for what's right. I'm only 21 and my career is over?

"Master, please-" I begged,

"No, for now retrieve the other Skywalker and wait in the Councils chambers until I get back. Then we can discuss what to do next." He told me. His eyes flickered down before leaving me alone. My heart felt stressed as he did so.

I walked slowly through the temple. I couldn't believe all that was coming to us. How could Anakin be okay with all this? Him of anyone dealt with the most pressure of any Jedi to be great. I felt so much anxiety overwhelm me. I could barely make my way to my speeder while staying standing. The feeling of everything I thought I always wanted being ripped away from me.

I finally got into my speeder and I tried my best to calm myself to go back to my family. There was nothing I could do to help them now. The last chance I had to try and save them was ripped away, the job of a Mother was being slowly unwound before it was even wound.

I slowly flew across the city to get Anakin. I didn't know what we were going to do. But I needed him to hold me now, I needed to hear that we were going to be okay.

I felt my head become light headed as the evening light came in. Something horrible was about to happen. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. It felt like a pit hardening like the weight of a bowling ball.

Only together will we be able to save the one you love.. Restore peace to the Galaxy.

I heard Palpatines voice in my head again as I entered the Senate building. I knew then that the thing I needed to do wasn't go get Anakin. He could take care of the children. But I had this strange feeling like things weren't going the way the Republic wills it.

I felt confused. On one hand, I was annoyed at the Jedi Order. They had always neglected me, and like Palpatine said they were always reluctant to teach me, it was always a hassle. They accused my sweet Caleb of crimes he could have never committed. They betrayed him. They were always so strict on top of that. There were many nights that Anakin would come home and lay down next to me frustrated beyond repair because the council was always difficult to deal with. They were always so strict on him. They watched him closely. They always wanted him to follow the Code to the letter, while some of them themselves were suspicious in some rules. Even as a Knight and a General they never really included me in their discussions. My men were elite, I was trained to my Masters level of lightsaber training, but often times our jobs weren't fighting but foreign exchanges or just the monitoring and local police dealings of foreign planets.

But this other part of me is loyal to my background. The Jedi saved me from my family. They save people, and in doing so they wait until it's absolutely necessary to do it which loses a lot of lives. In this war, I always watched the amazing things they were capable of. I've made many close friends through the Jedi Order, despite the fact that I also lost many close friends. I also adore The Force. The Force has given me Anakin, so I am loyal to the Force. I'm loyal to Anakin. That is the only thing I know for sure.

I brushed a tear off my own cheek as I ran past the medical bay to the Chancellors office. I slowed for a moment as I debated speaking to Anakin now. But even if I did, what would even tell him? He felt me. And I felt my children, their own spirits weakly dancing in my fingertips. My heart strained as it almost felt like a piece of it still belonged in that room. I know he's expecting me, but my duty wasn't done. I need to make sure the Chancellor is arrested. Even if it's at the end I might be able to follow them out.

So I swallowed my feelings again.

I'll be back soon, I spoke my own words in my own head, and then we can all be together. And everything will be okay when I do.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu