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Anakin and I were stripped of our weapons and thrown into a cell with our hands and feet bound in some type of energy that restricted our movements and connection to the force. We were on opposite walls of the cavelike room, almost like we were being hung up like trophies. It disgusted me.

"Well this didn't go as planned." I muttered.

"Ya think?" Anakin rolled his eyes. "Obi-Wan is gunna kill me."

"Maybe we can get out of this." I suggest, trying to be optimistic.

"Don't try it," he says, when I try to swing my arms, "I read about this stuff, they've used it to encase Jedi for generations. Even Masters can't get out of it, usually."

"Usually?" I rose an eyebrow at the opportunity.

"Well I mean, Master Yoda and Master Windu have gotten out of them, as well as the dark Jedi." He explained. I tried my arm again, "You won't be able to get out." He gives up.

"You forget who my first Master was." I say, trying to prove myself. I don't even know why I feel the need to all the time.

"(Y/N). (Y/N). (Y/N) just stop, just wait for them to come get us and we'll do something then." He calms me down. Reaching out to me with his calm presence. After a couple of useless attempts, I give up.

"Fine." I settled. Lifting my head back up to him. We didn't say anything, he just calmed me by looking at me with desperate eyes.

"I'm sorry." I admitted to him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made us come here." He looked confused.

"Don't." He said, "I'd much rather have done this, even die trying to save Obi-Wan, rather than have done nothing and regret it forever." He says, "Thank you for pushing me."

"Everyone needs a push now and then." I say with a weak smile. "It looks like that's what's going to happen."

"Don't be so certain yet." He said optimistically, trying to convince himself more surely. I blew a piece of hair out of my eyes.

"Be thankful you don't have longer hair right now." I said. Looking at his spiky hair that literally couldn't fall on his face.

"I've thought about it," he smiled at my struggle, "do you think it'd look good?" He asked. Then he began modeling his face for me, I couldn't help laughing at him.

"I think you could pull it off." I smiled, I looked at him, imagining him with hair longer than his spiky hair. "Yeah, I think it'd look good."

"Maybe I will then." He sighed.

"My brother had long hair, it was always getting in his eyes." I said before I could stop myself. Thinking of this situation of awaiting our death sentence, and going to see Anakin's past, must've opened up the door I slammed shut 10 years ago.

At first I didn't think he heard it, the silence was so long. I was thankful to look over my outburst.

"You have a brother?" He asked, of course he heard it.

"Had one." I repeated.

"What happened to him?" He asked, "If you don't mind me asking."

I did. I minded very much. I haven't told anyone of my past since Master Windu saved me. But if this really is where it ends. Maybe I should share it with someone. And of anyone, besides Padmé, Luminara, and Mace, Anakin was next in line of people I trusted. But two of them are either dead, or as close as you can get, and then the other has little to do with me now. The last few weeks of not being allowed to leave each others side has escalated a trust, especially with us constantly saving each others ass. By facing my past I can face my future much easier.

"It's okay." I decided, "I learned about your family, I might as well return the favor." I had to pause, this was much harder than I thought, and not exactly the setting I'd like it to be in. But nothing in my life went exactly how I liked it to happen.

"When I was 7, my parents were taken by pirates. My mother was a senator for my home planet, Alderaan, and my father was the head guard of the Capital building. My mother would often say things she probably shouldn't, it opened a lot of big arguments of our neighboring planets. My father was a good man, and he stuck by her, which often got him into trouble." I had to take a breath as that wasn't nearly the hard part.

"I was young, I didn't even know how much of this was going on. My parents were people with high prices on their heads, crucial to Alderaan. My brother was 9 years older than me. I remember when they were taken, my brother took care of me easily. Too easy, I really should've realized what he had done. What he was planning to do." I had to take a breath, my voice was getting shaky, I had to settle it. I expected Anakin to stop me, but he didn't.

"They took my parents to ransom the capitol for them, and at first they did do that. But after they gave back my parents, tortured and beaten like dolls, my mother didn't even survive the torture they did. They gave her back but only as a body. Then they took my brother and I. I thought he didn't know what was happening either, and I was so terrified. But he- he joined them! He said joined them to 'escape.' He made a deal with them that if he gave them the information on my parents they'd take us away next. I don't know why, but I don't care. He had promises, had responsibilities, had people who cared about him... You know, what's funny too? He even tried to get me to join them too. But I wouldn't ever do that. Never. They were all disgusting to me, including him. So they decided to sell me to a slave trade, my brother didn't care. He didn't love any of us. He was disgusting, just like them." I was shaking uncontrollably, I was cold.

I thought about what happened to me. My memories spilling out around me, drowning me. I felt so weak. I hated it. I should've been able to do something. I convinced myself I forgot my past, like the other Jedi-in-training children for so long. This guilt had me around my throat. I steadied myself to tell the easiest part.

"But then Master Windu came, he broke me out of my chains and my cell and ran with me back to the Jedi ship. My brother came along with the rest of them to try and get their cargo back. They tried to hurt Master Windu but he blocked every shot with his lightsaber. He was so strong, a real Jedi. I wanted to be that. I remember my brother tried to reach me, but I was so angry at him that I pushed him back into the wall, and held him there. I didn't know I could do anything like that. It was scary, so I let him go, and Master Windu must've seen that, because when we got onto the ship he wanted me to join the temple. Master Kenobi was there, of course he wasn't a Master then, but he was there in case something unforeseeable happened. They both talked about me, I knew they were even though I was left to sleep in a separate room. They asked my father, and I, if I could come to the temple to see if Master Windu could take me on as a Padawan. And he agreed eventually to let me go, and I agreed with no hesitation." I told him.

I realized I was never looking at him this whole time. I looked up at Anakin. His face was full of sympathy, this was what I was scared of. No, it's not sympathy. He's giving me empathy. Reaching out to try and give me a warm presence instead of the cold one I feel.

"It's not your fault." Anakin told me.

"I know." I said, and I did know. It was my brothers fault. He did this. But I should've seen it coming. But I was too young, a foolish girl, I wasn't strong enough then. "Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I stayed."

"All of us do." Anakin admitted to me. His words were a comfort, to know I wasn't alone. I remember he must think the same about his own mother. "What was his name?" He asked after a long silence.

"Rosh." I muttered my brothers name for the first time in 10 years. Anakin didn't say anything for a little bit after I said the name. I assumed he didn't know what else to say, I did just tell him a whole lot of information.

"I was on that ship." Anakin told me,

"What?" I asked, that would've been impossible. I was introduced to everyone on that ship, Anakin was not apart of that list.

But I wasn't able to hear his explanation, we were interrupted by an even more disgusting creatures than what we faced in the droid factory.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now