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"Anakin!" I stopped, making sure my towel was still on and covering myself as much as possible, "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to remain calm as he turned around from the window to see me in a towel and still dripping wet.

"Oh.." His eyes locked onto my body and I pulled it up a little more to help cover my chest. "I-I'm sorry for not warning you I just assumed you would.. Um.." He looked away, trying to be respectful.

"Not be naked?" I finished his sentence. He nodded. "I was in the shower Anakin, that's kind of what people do." I say, rushing to try and find my night attire.

"Um.. Yeah.. Listen I just.. Um.." Anakin stumbled trying to remember the words. If I wasn't naked it would be amusing. But Im not used to having people see a lot of my body. Its an uncomfortable and embarrassing experience for him to see me in nothing but my towel and nothing to do with my face or hair to hide the imperfections that mock me.

"Can you just please just tell me why you're here?" I asked, "What's so important?"

"It's just, I needed to talk to someone... The whole Padme thing. I've known her for so long, I would hate to see her die. It's not fair." Anakin stares out the window, "I'm sorry if I've disturbed you, it just bothers me. And I know I won't sleep well. I know I sliced those bugs, they couldn't have bit her."

"I know you did, but they used creatures we do not know of. It could have been toxins are from touch not a bite. She won't die Anakin, I promise." I try to comfort him while keeping my distance from him.

Seeing him like this bothered me, it was new to me. I still felt this attraction to him but helpless as I had never needed to help somebody's emotions like this. But upon the promise made to myself in the shower, I suppress every feeling attraction which leaves my feelings only left with the feelings of lost and helplessness to the situation at hand.

"You can't promise that." he hissed back at me, "Do not make promises you cannot keep, it's not right. You are not powerful or wise enough to know such things. " his eyes were filled with a feeling I couldn't understand, I wasn't wise enough yet. Despite every intuition, I took the comment personal,

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, doing my best to keep my face emotionless.

"You know what I meant. You are not a Jedi Master, (Y/N)." he rolls his eyes. He dismissed me as if I'm a child.

"Neither are you. Master Kenobi is, he says she will wake and I trust him. He's your master, you should trust him too." I offer.

"Do not tell me who I should and shouldn't trust." he mutters, "Don't get me wrong, I trust Master Kenobi, but he does not know the outcome of a persons fate. He is very wise in many ways, very powerful. I trust him with my life and is the closest thing I may ever have to a father. But he does not know if Padme will come out of this dead or alive." I felt the knot in my chest throb as the memory that Padme told me how Anakin had asked if she was an Angel upon their first meeting.

That's why he's so nervous. He loves her.

"I'm sorry." it was out of context. None of the conversation was about me and that's all I made it about. He was sat in a chair looking out my window. I still stood in the doorway of the bathroom awkwardly.

"You know, in a lot of ways, I'm ahead of him." Anakin says from his chair.

"Master Kenobi?" I ask for reassurance.

"Yes, I'm ready for the trials. But he won't let me move on because he says I'm too unpredictable." he huffs, "He's overly critical, and never listens to me. If I were to have a padawan I would always listen to them. It's not fair. None of this is fair."

"I'm sure you would. But knowing our mistakes is the best way to grow. Masters are the best at pointing them out, as well." I remind him. "Everything will work out as it needs too, it always does."

"You've grown... Grown more beautiful I mean." He smiles, and glances at me, for the first time like I'm not still the child he comforted on her first day, I felt my cheeks heat up. "For a fellow Jedi I mean."

"You haven't changed a bit." I joke. He laughs.

"I'm sorry, I've disturbed you. I should leave.." He stands but I stop him.

"No, Anakin stay. Just wait a moment for me to get dressed, please stay." I say, he goes back to the window. I feel his eyes on me in the reflection as I rush to grab night clothes and change in the bathroom.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now