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The hot breeze passed through Mustafar, matching the heat to the darkness that plagued the planet. (Y/N) fit in exactly as she walked through her command center, yes, hers. Finally her skills as a leader were recognized, she could handle it.

She walked past a doorway into the security room. The inside door frame was reflective, so it caught her attention. She stared at herself, crooking her head to the side as she assessed the new person she had become.

Her eyes blinked back and forth between yellow and normal. Her hair was messy, and her face was ultimately shiny and greasy. But she didn't care anymore. She felt powerful. She felt human. She felt alive and entitled. For the first time she felt in control, like a real person who can make decisions for herself. She wasn't binded or tied to anything or anyone she didn't care about.

For her now she had a real family. Not 1000+ people that she didn't know and had to pretend she cared for. Her existence now has meaning. She was a different person, she was everything she wanted and yet she still craved more.

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

A loud, frantic beeping drew the twisted girl's attention to the atmosphere monitor. She expected it to be the Chancellors ship, but instead it was an Alderaan ship. Her heart stopped momentarily at the remembrance of home.

For a second she weakened herself enough to think of her past. When her father would come home. And she would get so excited because she hadn't seen him in months. He would always tell her that she needed to be strong, she needed to be the bigger person.

I am strong now, Dad.

But then she reminded herself that her Father was never coming to get her. She lost her family a long time ago and moving on was her best option. She wasn't strong enough to hold her family together before, now she can.

She held onto her saber as she glided with her hood up towards the ship. But when the door descended and the pilot revealed himself her yellow eyes clicked back to her normal ones. She went into a full on sprint running to her husband. She was so lonely, the only person to help is him.

She ran into his arms, and he received her. Anakin for a moment toyed with his mind to believe that this was still the woman he laid with in bed, the woman he made sure he lived for.

"How did you find me all the way out here?" She asked peeling herself away a bit, but she still made sure to hang onto his biceps. She needed him close.

"What're you doing all the way out here?" He asked, even though he knew why.

"I told you, I have to help the Chancellor finish the war. Aren't you happy for me?" She narrowed her eyes a bit. She knew that he knew.

"What was here on Mustafar?" He asked, eyes became increasingly serious. What else has she killed? Is what he means to ask.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is what's here now, the both of us." She reached up to kiss him but he pulled his head back, "Anakin?"

"Did helping the Chancellor mean killing every single Jedi?" Anakin's eyes were hurt, his eyes always revealed him, "I mean really (Y/N). What about the younglings?"

"The younglings are safe. I was thinking about our children." (Y/N)'s smile faltered, "I was thinking about us. The Chancellor has guaranteed ours and the babies safety."

"At what cost?" He pleaded,

"I don't know what you mean." (Y/N) refused to believe the truth.

"Don't make me say it.." Anakin lost his grip on her, he took a step back. "(Y/N), your lost. You've... Fallen."

"Fallen?" She crooks her head, "Anakin, my allegiance is with the Chancellor. I can bring peace to the galaxy, we both can."

"Don't do this, (Y/N). You're smarter than this, and you know it. You're a good person, don't do this." Anakin pleaded with her.

"Anakin, why are you acting like this?" She asked. She was hurt he wasn't supporting her, "The Jedi turned against me, don't you do that too."

"I'm not acting any different, (Y/N). It's you. I don't want to do this, I don't." Anakin looked up to her. He felt like crying, "I just want to go home. I want to take our kids and lets go, far, far away from here."

"We don't have a home, Anakin. And now we don't have to run away anymore. We can live both of our worlds. What I'm doing now is going to help us." (Y/N) tried to save the crumbling relationship, "This is our only life now. And together, we're way more powerful than the Chancellor, we can over throw him. Together, make the galaxy the way it's supposed to be."

"I wouldn't do that, (Y/N), and you know it. It doesn't have to be this way." He hung his head, he was slowly beginning to see that Master Yoda was right. Her mind was so twisted.

"I can't.." Anakin started, but he couldn't finish. He was suffocating. His heart hurt worse than ever.

"You can't what?" (Y/N) asked. Her whole face seemed unrecognizable to him, "I did this for you, for us. Anakin, you can't leave me."

"I was never going to leave you!" Anakin snapped, he was so tired of hearing her say that, "Because I love you! But I would never hurt you the way you're hurting me. It was never supposed to be this way."

"I'm hurting you?" She blinked rapidly, trying to wrap her mind around this concept. "No, Anakin, all I'm trying to do is help you!"

"(Y/N), my allegiance is to democracy, to the people of this galaxy." Anakin told her, "I never wanted you to do any of this. You should've talked to me. You're going down the path I can't follow you down."

"I don't need you to save me all the time!" She was frustrated, even now he didn't see she was strong. He didn't see that she was smart enough to make the right decisions.

"Sometimes you do!" He said, trying to pull her back.

"Not this time." She flared her nostrils, "I'm doing these things to help our family, and our career, and the galaxy. The war is over, Anakin."

"And what side won?" He asked, "More importantly: what side are you on, General?"

"Don't do this to me. I haven't done anything I didn't have to!" She paced herself, clenching her fists. Her anger and hate swelled inside her, and Anakin could see it.

Anakin watched as her anger consumed into this dark cloud of black smoke inside of her. She was like a wild fire that couldn't be contained anymore. Her sweat beating off her brow like his useless attempts to bring her back. His heart was broken. His own bright shining light was flickering because of it. (Y/N) Skywalker was gone.

"I don't believe this.." He muttered to himself, "Master Yoda was right, you're too far away."

"I don't want to hear about the Jedi." She spat, "You're choosing them, aren't you?" She stopped her pacing.

"You know, I always would." He said, and now her heart was dead too. Her dead eyes looked up to his. His once bright blue eyes now resembled shattered glass. Her mind snarled, she hated every second of this. She thought he would understand, but he wouldn't listen to her. "Please, come back with me."

"Never." She whispered. She could never go back to being weak, powerless, small, ignored. This darkness was now apart of her, it was where she was meant to be.

"I don't want to do this, (Y/N). I really don't want to do this. But you don't leave me any choice." Anakin cautiously unsheathed his lightsaber

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat