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 On Mustafar, (Y/N) entered the "safe house" that held every Separatist leader. She entered the room and they all praised her presence, The Chancellor had told them all about his shining new apprentice. But that didn't last long as she used the force to close every opening in the control room that they stood in. If the Empire were to have peace, they would need to start over.

 Anakin's heart hurt, and so did hers as she glided her lightsabers through lungs, hearts, bones, and brains. Her heart leapt and yelled through her as she killed more, she felt power surge through her as her emotions did. She let the force strike down humans, as she willed it to be so.

 A small part of her that desired the greatness she always sought for, loved it. Every time she used her sabers, the image of Dooku's decapitated body came to mind. She didn't know it then, but that was her first kill of many. It began to make sense, she felt oddly at ease when using the dark side, for she had been unknowingly using it partially her entire life. That was the way Master Windu intended her to be taught, to walk on the fragile line of light and dark and to find holes in the Force. She did just that. No power is evil, the intentions why someone might use it are.

 Back on Coruscant, Anakin waited with Master Yoda as Obi-Wan filmed and reset the signal out to the other Jedi.

 "This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both The Republic, and the Jedi Order have fallen. With the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple, our time has passed. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the force be with you." That was the message Obi-Wan sent out to the galaxy.

 Anakin listened to it and felt his failure overcome him. His purpose felt stripped of him. He needed to see it. He needed to have full confirmation.

 "I've recalibrated the signal, no Jedi will be returning to this temple." Obi-Wan reentered their party.

 "Good." Anakin furrowed his brow to try to remain focused on the task at hand. But with the searing heat that covered his body, he couldn't.

 "I'm sorry, Masters." He stopped them from walking away, "But I must see something for myself."

 "If go into the security recordings, you do," Yoda watched as Anakin flipped on the holorecordings the security cameras had. Yoda could sense danger for Skywalker was in them. That it would be something he didn't want to see, "Only pain will you find."

 "I have to know, Masters." Anakin turned on the security recordings. He flipped to last night, the ghostly blue image showed him exactly what he hoped he wouldn't see.

 (Y/N), mouth sewed in a frown and eyes hollow, she took down 3 Jedi at a time. He watched in horror, she wasn't the woman he loved. She was someone completely different. He felt his heart ache, he let out a loud painful grunt and fell back. On the way down he flipped to (Y/N) on her knees in front of Darth Sidious, the Chancellor.

 "Excellent work, my apprentice. Now go, Darth Majka, go to Mustafar and bring peace to the Republic, to our new Empire." The Chancellor said.

 The woman he loved so dearly stood up. He felt her pain grow. He felt like his world was coming to an end. The light he always gave off was diminishing. He could barely reach her now. Mustafar, that would explain the heat he felt etching his face earlier. He stared at her. He couldn't believe her. This was not her. What about their children? What about all their plans? Anakin's whole life he strove for a family. And he knew she did too, she could've just stayed with him.

  "When you return we will save your family-" Darth Sidious started,

 "That's enough." Obi-Wan shut off the recording. He stared down at his young friend.

 "That's not her." Anakin ripped at his chest, "That's not (Y/N), she's not herself. She thinks she's saving people-"

  "All Sith believe what their doing is right-" Obi-Wan tried,

  "She is not a Sith! She's a Jedi!" Anakin fought with Obi-Wan.

  "Anakin! She's been renamed Darth Majka!" Obi-Wan tried to remain level-headed.

 "Destroy the Sith, we must." Yoda pounded his cane to the floor. Anakin knew what this meant, he stared up at him.

 "You can't. I won't!" Anakin jumped to his feet. He remembered the Chosen One prophecy:

 "Destroy the Sith, bring balance to the Force."

 But this was something he could never do. He couldn't let anyone touch his wife. If they so much as lay a finger on her, he would sooner kill them.

 "Anakin, we must." Obi-Wan tried to calm him down but he knew it was useless. Obi-Wan found it hard to even calm himself, (Y/N) was like a sister to him. He also didn't want (Y/N) dead, but it's what was best for the galaxy.

 "Fallen to the dark side, young (Y/L/N) has." Yoda repeated, he hated them saying that. 

 "I don't care if I'm the Chosen One. I won't kill (Y/N), she's my..." He trailed off, he wanted to say so many things there. His wife, his best friend, the mother of his children, his everything.

 "Anakin, think about the galaxy." Obi-Wan reminded him, "You need to remember that duty comes first." 

 Yoda observed from the side as Obi-Wan helped his apprentice. It wasn't hard then, to figure out and put the pieces together then. He also knew that Anakin needed to let go of this behavior, that only if he was the one to let go of her he would be able to grow to his full power.

 "I always know that duty comes first!" Anakin fought back the tear that threatened to fall.

 "Well, obviously now, you don't." Obi-Wan said, "She's gone, Anakin."

 And that was it for Anakin. He felt like he was going to throw up. He got as far as opening his mouth to do so, before closing it again. He stared back and forth between Yoda and Obi-Wan, but particularly at Yoda.

 "Master Yoda, please," Anakin begged, "send me to kill the Chancellor. I will not kill (Y/N). I can't do it." Anakin begged.

 "Not strong enough, you are." Yoda made this excuse, "Go to deal with the Chancellor, Master Kenobi and I will. Need to go to Mustafar for (Y/N), you will."

 "No, Master Yoda, I finished my training. I'm ready, please let me go with you. Have Obi-Wan go to Mustafar." Anakin pleaded.

 "Thinking your training over, is why ready, you are not." Yoda humphed away, he started making his way away from the room.

 "Obi-Wan, I can't do it." Anakin transferred his stare to his Master.

 "Anakin, I don't want (Y/N) dead any more than you do, but you heard Master Yoda-" Obi-Wan sided with Yoda,

 "I heard him, but I can't kill her. I still love her. I can help her, she's lost. She just needs to be found again." Anakin pleaded.

 "Once someone has tasted the dark side, there is no going back." Obi-Wan said.

 "Don't say that. I can bring her back, you watch." Anakin began storming away, 

 "Anakin." Obi-Wan grabbed his wrist, "Try to bring her back, but you know what you have to do if you cannot." 

 Anakin stared at his hand, he hated the idea but nodded anyway. Obi-Wan began to leave, but then Anakin rose his head.

 "Obi-Wan." He called after his friend, his bearded friend turned back around, "May the Force be with you."

 "And you." Obi-Wan nodded. Then there was no choice for either of them now as Obi-Wan walked away.

 Anakin was alone, and he knew he couldn't stay that way. 

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat