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"That's enough Dooku!" I yelled, I was so angry with him. He caused this. One of our own turned against us to cause so much pain. It was our job to protect not to destroy. He's taken too much today.

He turns to me. We lock eyes as he twirls his red lightsaber to intimidate me. But I feel unmoved.

"The Masterless Padawan." He chuckles, moving slowly, "I must say your devotion is touching. What are you going to do, young one?" He asks.

"I'm capable of more than you think." I say. Frustration building inside of me, no one ever believes in me. He'll learn.

"Doubtful." He sighs, "I seemed to have hurt your feelings haven't I?" He prodded.

"The only thing you're hurting is yourself, Dooku. You will pay for all the Jedi lost today." I stand strong, keeping my eyes locked on him.

"You're friend said the same. And we both see how that ended for 'The Chosen One.'" He rolled his eyes, "You do not intimidate me, girl."

I had enough, I charged at him. I swung my lightsaber and it collided with his. We fought, switching between offense and defense. He was fast but even with my scratches and aches I could muster up enough strength to keep up. I remembered the light saber training I had from both my Masters. He swung near my shoulder but I was able to block it in time, he held us there.

"I'll admit, I expected much less from you." He said, staring into my face. He switched sides where I blocked him again, "You have so much emotion... anger. Listen to it, (Y/L/N)." He said.

"Never." I said, taking the opportunity to duck and to push him back as hard as I could, but it only pushed him a mere 15 feet. Which was an embarrassing amount. "You are a disgrace to the Jedi Order, not me!"

"I know many who would disagree." He toyed with me. Slashing at me again but I blocked. We twirled our sabers above our head, both of us in attack mode.

"You're wrong." I say, thrusting my saber toward his chest.

"Am I?" He asks, smirking. I wanted to slice that grin right off of him. "At least I left the Jedi Order, it wasn't the Jedi Order who left me. And especially Master Windu." He was making fun of me. It annoyed me to my core.

I felt my emotions begin to betray my words. I began letting myself give into the anger. My frustration with him and what he stood for. He killed so many Jedi, my friends. He's wounded Anakin and Obi-Wan. He was behind killing Master Unduli, without him I might've still had a chance in the Order. Maybe then I would have been more respected, instead of being tossed to the side like a dirty towel.

I struck him with as much force as I could feel. I tried all I could to prove myself a worthy opponent. Using the tricks I'd seen Master Windu and Master Unduli use. I thought about how my entire life I had just been passed along.

All the betrayal I had experienced from my family and those I looked up to as such.

All the jealousy I had of Padmé's connection to Anakin.

How she called him Ani, when I could never feel like I even had the right to. No matter how many long midnight conversations we had. No matter how many secrets we had shared. No matter how much I admired him not just as "The Chosen One" but how strong Anakin Skywalker was. Who Anakin was. His natural need to help people and care about them. This weird pull he has on my heart that seems so unreal. But I could never be as pretty, or intelligent, or calm as her. I could never be anyone worthy of knowing. And I despised it all.

At another clash, he spoke again: "Yes, that's it, give into it. Powerful, isn't it?"

I pushed him again, this time much further than the last, all the way into a wall. I despised him. I had never known I had this much inside of me. "A lust for power is the path to the dark side." I shouted. But unsure of who I was shouting to.

"Master Windu has told you that, surely. Yet you crave it still, don't you?" He asks, smiling. Then I realized how this felt. It felt more like a training session, he wanted to get inside my head like this. He walks casually, his calm manner being the only trigger I need. I ran to meet him, he blocks me again. But instead this time he doesn't go as easy on me.

His lightsaber grazes the skin of my jaw, while I scream I feel the heat going through the muscle of my leg, causing me to fall.

"Pathetic." He turns his nose away from me, sliding me back across the floor causing an insane burn in my back scratches. I land against a body. I look up to see Anakin barely moving.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save you." I said, he was holding his lost arm. His face twisted in agony of his arm along with some other pain I must've not been there to see.

But then I soon felt it, Dooku gave me a taste of blue lightening to go into my veins. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move. My body was stiff from the pain.

"You di- did.. great." He said, still trying to steady his breathing pace. Anakin released his hand from his severed limb to reach to me. I couldn't vocalize a response from the massive amount of pain I felt. But I twitched my hand slowly to meet his. He held my hand and I felt a calmness in me restored.

I regretted how I fought. It was only a tactic to get me to betray myself. The way I used the force was against all my morals. I felt cold and bitter when using the force as I did. I could never use it like this again.

I thought to myself that I might never walk again. This is where the three of us will die. At the hands of this petty Sith lord is where I am meant to meet my end.

Then I heard the slow click of a cane.

"I hope... you aren't tired, yet." I croaked out.

I felt Master Yoda's presence enter the room. He stood there humbly, staring at Dooku. But I was feeling my consciousness slip away from me. The pain I was feeling both physically and emotionally was all too much.

I watched through squinted eyes and ringing ears Master Yoda prove himself too much of an opponent for Dooku, who by now was tired from facing the three of us.

  Dooku having to put a distraction for Yoda to save us from an electric pillar instead of fighting so he could escape.

I heard Rex shooting at Dooku's ship as he did so. Thank you, friend.

Anakin began to stand up, regaining his strength. But I still felt paralyzed from pain. I was exhausted. I was barely there at all.

"(Y/N)?" Anakin tried to help me up but I wouldn't move from my laying position. I turned my head to look at his face through glazed eyes.

"Anakin, we have to get out of here. I'll call a medic for us." Obi-Wan says, standing up with a limp.

"Hello?" Obi-Wan tried multiple times. The transmitter must not be working. "I have to go outside for a better signal."

"She'll be okay, right?" Anakin asked Master Yoda. His voice to me was muffled as I felt him squeeze my hand tighter.

"If she wills it so, she will." Yoda said. Following Obi-Wan out to secure this ship.

Anakin picked me up and into his lap for a moment. I felt lifeless, still. He held me close to his chest with his good hand. I could hear the calm beat of his heartbeat. For the first time in hours I felt safe.

I was in a battlefield, my body mangled and broken but I felt safe. He gave me this feeling of safety in his arms. I was in too much pain to worry about my appearance but it didn't matter. I could feel he didn't care. Why was it in moments when our lives could possibly be ripped away from us that we felt so close?

"I'm going to make sure you're okay, (Y/N). Stay with me. I will not give up on you, I promise." That was the last thing I remembered before my consciousness slipped away from me.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now