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Walking down the hall, Master Windu followed us out of council chambers to stop me before I could leave with Obi-Wan and Anakin.

"Obi-Wan, Anakin, do you mind if I talk to (Y/N) alone for a few moments." It's more of a demand than an ask, I get nervous if I'll be in trouble for some reason.

"Of course." Obi-Wan takes Anakin's shoulder and they start moving down the hall without me.

"(Y/N). I just wanted to say how good it is to see you. You've come a long way from when I found you as youngling on Alderaan." He smiles, and hugs me. Something very out of place for Master Windu, who has always been known to be so professional and powerful. I do accept the hug, ever since I was a little girl I've always looked up to him as the father figure I can barely remember.

"Thank you, Master Windu. I do always wonder what might've happened if I hadn't gotten into that fight with those kids outside of the school, and you hadn't been given that tour around our schools that day." I say.

"The force always has a way of bringing people to where they need to be. I would've found you a different way." Windu tells me. I nod in agreement. "I only wish I could've taught you more, so I could take credit for the Jedi you are becoming."

"You've taught me most of what I know." I offer, he becomes more professional than before. "This isn't about a happy reunion is it?"

"I didn't want to tell you this in front of the council. You're being watched, (Y/N). Now more than ever. You've been without guidance for more than half a year now and the council is nervous this could have been a crucial mistake in your training. We're aware that someone in the Jedi Order is being or has been turned-" He was talking but I couldn't help it. I was so frustrated.

"They think its me? Me? I've followed every order they've given me no questions asked. I've been trying to request a new Master for months. I've dedicated my life to the Jedi." I try to defend myself,

"I'm on your side, (Y/N). It's no use defending yourself to me. I know how hard you've worked. But you're going to have to prove yourself now more than ever on this mission. Unfortunately I cannot call you a Padawan because in order to be a Padawan you must have a master. This is the first time in history the council has ever approved of a non-padawan learner to be allowed to even take on a mission let alone a mission by themselves." He grabs my shoulders, "Take this with honor, (Y/N). I beg you."

"It's not easy. I've spent my whole life trying to prove myself to this council." I explain. "Now I'm demoted from being a Padawan learner to a youngling? As if I were a child! That puts my training so far below from what it is. It's not fair to you or Master Unduli or you who taught me all I know. Master Windu, I-"

"I know how hard you work, I've seen it. You must be patient. At the end of this I will make sure the council assigns you a new master to take on your training. I can promise that to you." Master Windu offers. And I take it.

"Thank you, Master." I bow to him.

"For your mission. Be patient, noble, do everything the council tells you to do. Watch over Anakin, make sure he's doing the right things as well. And don't die." Windu smiles. We both hug and he allows me to then rejoin my friends.

"What was that about?" Anakin asks me when I come down the steps. The first thing he's said to me since last night. I glance between him and Obi-Wan.

"Master Windu was the one who found me. It was only to see how my training has been." I said, which technically I didn't lie.

"You seem upset are you okay?" Anakin asks, it bothers me for some reason.

"I'm fine, Anakin." I say blatantly. He's right on my nerves just scratching at them waiting for one of them to snap. "Where to now Obi-Wan?" I ask.

"Well for me it is the Archives." Obi-Wan says, "but for you two, I believe you should go to Padmé's room to tell the medical droids to prepare for you're trip to Naboo to fulfill the ceremony."

"Yes, Master." Anakin and I bow to him and Obi-Wan leaves.

"Lets go then." Anakin leads the way to Padmé's room. Neither of us speak for some time. I feel almost shameful to walk with him, so I walk behind him. I'm not even a Padawan learner, my position at my age is embarrassing. He stops mid hallway, but doesnt turn around right away.

"What is it?" I ask, standing beside him now.

"Why are you walking behind me?" He asks when I reach him.

"I-I don't know. Just a little slugish today, maybe." I tried to muster something up.

"That's not true. Is this about what Windu said?" He asks,

"No. It isn't." I protest, continuing my walk.

"Why won't you tell me?" Anakin asks me. Staring at me with his beautiful blue orbs that takes everything I can not to look into.

  "Why do you need to know?" I hiss.

"You're very confusing, you know that? You weren't this hostile to me last night." Anakin rolls his eyes. Immediately I shut that down.

"Don't say it like that." I stopped him, "It makes it sounds a lot more than talking." I said.

He started laughing at that, "Oh please, no one's listening, they wouldn't think that between us." That last word was said with such a distinct voice. It felt almost offensive. It didn't help that the conversation with Windu made me feel extremely insecure already.

"What does that mean?" I ask, to see if the tone I heard was correct.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You said 'us.'" I repeat with his same tone.

"So?" He asked to continue.

"You just said it like it would be a ridiculous idea. Like what's that supposed to mean? Am I right to be offended by your disgust with the thought?" I asked, taking a step back.

"No, no-uh-of course not, that's not at all what I meant!I just meant that we're Jedi. Nobody would think we were doing anything more." His speaking was quick and I could tell he was uncomfortable by his defensive tone, so I decided not to press now. No matter how much I wanted to slap him for his original tone and words adding on to the distain he had for me in front of the council. Any attraction I had was crushed in the last hour. I swallow hard as we keep our eyes connected; fighting with our eyes. I push down everything, we have the Senator to worry about instead.

"Okay." I respond, and turn around to keep walking.

"Where are you going now?" He groaned, catching up to me down the hall a bit.

"To Padmé. She's the one who is most important right now, not this." I say, he nods but rolls his eyes after. "We'll talk later." I explain. He wanted to say something back but soon after his head perks up only a little bit. He must know I just invited him to my room for another night.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now