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I saw them. Only their heads peaking out from almost a whole wall of rubble. They were alive, for now.

"Grappling hooks!" I ordered, and our three transports hooked onto the ship. "Go now! Padawan Dume and I will keep the ship steady." I order, 5 of my men go onto the ship. Anymore men and the whole thing might topple over.

I looked down at my padawan and nodded, "C'mon kid, let's do this." I said.

"Don't call me kid." He muttered, but did as I said anyways.

I felt the whole weight of the ship at my fingertips as I held it steady. I focused on the object. But I started to feel it shake. So I focused harder. The thing was so heavy. I got frustrated with it, stay up you stupid thing. Thinking about my husband, I put more of myself into it. I felt the force flow into me and out of my hands.

"We have General Windu." I heard them come onto the transport. But they still didn't have Anakin so I kept my focus on the ship.

"Battle droids!" Caleb yelled, I opened my eyes.

On the level the men had just gotten Anakin from under the rubble, he was badly hurt. I've seen Anakin stand after getting shot, after getting his arm cut off. He had his eyes closed as he laid there. He probably went unconscious after the smoke and pain. The battle droids have entered the ship as we held it steady. I don't understand where they came from, how did we not see them?

"Master Windu, can you please help us hold the ship steady?" I asked him as he leaned against the transport.

"I'll do my best." He muttered, holding his hand out. He did so.

"Thank you, I'm going down there." I said, pulling out one of my lightsabers.

"No!" Caleb held me back, the whole ship made a noise as Master Windu had to make up for Caleb not using the force any more.

"You're too heavy the ship won't be able to hold you. No other troopers can get on there either." He told me. He was right, every second this thing is here it keeps falling apart. The inferno grows. But I cannot leave those three men and Anakin on their own.

"Well then, my young strategist, what do you suggest?" I asked, putting my saber back.

"I'll go." He said, taking out his new lightsaber.

"What?! No! You are not ready to take on that many battle droids on your own!" I argued,

"What other choice do we have?" He ignited his lightsaber.

"Make a decision quick! I can't hold this thing much longer!" Master Windu said, he was sweating.

"Fine. Go, but don't do anything stupid. I want you, General Skywalker, and three troopers back on this ship!" I ordered. Caleb jumped to the challenge. I had to close my eyes to focus on holding the ship steady.

I heard his lightsaber clash with droids, and our blasters hit them down. We were winning. We had to be. I smiled, holding the ship tighter together.

But my body began to feel cold. I felt a presence. I heard another lightsaber. My eyelids began to flash the color red, my padawan was in greater danger than just droids.

"Caleb!" I yelled. I opened my eyes, and did my best to keep the ship together. Asajj Ventress, Dooku's pet, has come. Why was she here?

She had engaged Caleb in a battle. Although it wasn't much of a battle. He held her off for maybe a minute, which granted is longer than I thought he could, She was too advanced for him. She cut his shoulder and threw him aside. Then she quickly wounded 2 men and killed the other. My heart was breaking as I had no choice but to watch.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now