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Upon returning with refreshments, the Queen has now moved closer to her pray. She walks around Ahsoka, but eyeing Anakin. By now he's taken off his mask and given the reason that he has killed an enemy of the Queen.

"A nice prize for your efforts. What is your price?" She asks him, referring to Ahsoka as the slave girl.

"How can I put a price on her beauty when she sits in comparison to your loveliness?" He charms her. I clench my jaw. Watching him charm another woman, although I know it's fake, still makes me tense with jealous.

"Oh, stop it." She giggled. Giggled? Who the hell giggles anymore? I rolled my eyes, she caught me, stared at me.

"I trust that this slave is much more compliant with orders than this one I was given." She said, directly at me. She took the drinks from me.

Then she clicked a little remote which caused a shock to send all over my body. I hunched over in pain. I felt my skin burn. I straightened up as soon as I could. I picked up the tray I dropped.

"It's so hard to find good slaves. Perhaps I should send you to reconditioning." She threatened, looking over her shoulder. I didn't say a word, I tried to stay smart about this. Making a fuss now would not be a good idea.

"Your highness." Anakin speaks up. Directing her attention to him instead of me.

"Perhaps we shall move this party to the balcony." She offered, she linked an arm around his while sipping her drink.

I kept a calm presence, I couldn't make it obvious I was jealous. I also couldn't make it seem like I knew him at all.

He continued whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Ahsoka looked at me strange and I made myself calm as we followed behind our "Masters." Although I supposed in her case that is her Master. That cocky butthole he just waltzed right in.

"Oh Anakin! Stop it! Stop it!" She giggled, slapping his arm playfully. I rolled my eyes, uncomfortable. I tried to make it clear to him he was going too far.

They began speaking of politics, about her slave trade. Things she had previously told me but the things she told me were much more in detail.

"Interesting, m'lady." He said, "A wonderful view you have from here. You can see your whole kingdom from here. I must say, a beauty that almost rivals yours." He winked at her. This whole thing is getting tiring. What exactly is there plan here? Why are we not just breaking me out? I'm starting to doubt Anakin's intentions here. This whole arrangement has made me uncomfortable.

"Tell me," he says, after a long conversation of pure compliments of the Queen, "there is a rumor that your new slave girl is different." He commented, walking around me and eyeing me.

"My secret weapon. She's not ideal in beauty or even reliable. Between me and you, Anakin, she was taken from the the Jedi academy." She whispered.

"A force user is your slave?" He asked, feigning surprise and touched my shoulder. By instinct, after being touched by so many men, I ripped it away.

"Don't touch me." I hissed.

"She'll need some work." He shrugged. Stepping in front of me and stared at my eyes for a moment. I hid my sadness and jealousy and replaced it with fire. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it.

"That's an understatement." The Queen rolled her eyes, "After conditioning, she'll be useful." She dragged him away to look at the view once more. By view I mean her.

Ahsoka nudged me. I looked to her as we both stood there in slave attire, guards on both sides. She nodded to look up. Sure enough, Obi-Wan waved at me. I smirked, now was the time to get the hell out of here.

I leaned over to Ahsoka, "I'm ready when you are." I smiled.

"No talking, slaves." The guard on the right said, he was also the one to grab my bum this morning. So, that's the one getting flown off the balcony first.

She held a finger to her lips. This has to be quiet to not disturb the Queen too early.

"Now." Ahsoka whispered. Both of us turned and punched the guard nearest to us in the throat. Mine stumbled, making him take his guard down. I used the force to throw him off the balcony and into the market place.

I was met with a shock, I forgot about my shock collar. I yelped in pain. Luckily it didn't last as long. Anakin had grabbed the remote out of the Queens hand and crushed it under his foot.

"Hey! I needed that to control-" she started, but Anakin jumped onto the roof above the balcony.

"Control the bottom of my foot, milady." He rolled his eyes. God, I love him so much.

Ahsoka and I followed his lead.

"Thanks for the hospitality." I told her, laughing. She began screaming for the guards.

"You're mine, girl!" She yelled. I began using my power, now was the right time. Guards flooded the roof. Obi-Wan joined us, the four of us began fighting. I was doing hand-to-hand combat until Anakin threw me my lightsaber.

"How'd you get this?" I questioned.

"Ask me later!" He said, ducking from a blade.

The four of us were able to fight our way to their ship that was hovering above the roof. I fought off 4 guards and their sharp blades. Thanks to no protective armor, I got cut multiple times along my side and arms. Nothing too deep to hinder me from fighting though.

I ushered Ahsoka on the ship first. Despite this was a rescue mission to get me, I had more fighting experience than Ahsoka. I could withstand the fighting longer.

Anakin then rushed me on along with Obi-Wan. R2 started lifting the ship a bit higher. Anakin did his best, he fought off as many as he could. Then just when I thought he might not make it he flipped up and landed on the edge of the ship.

"We're good to go Mace." Anakin smirked into his commlink.

I shook my head, of course he would make it. He's Anakin Skywalker.

"Thank you so much guys, but now someone please get this collar off of me."

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now