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The young girl sat there, breathless. She was no longer herself. Instead she felt like she was outside of herself, watching as this poor girl panicked and held her suffocating chest.

"Become my apprentice." The man with burned flesh stood above her, his true yellow eyes demanding her, "Learn the ways of the Dark Side of the Force."

Her (Y/E/C) eyes flickered up to him. She had no choice, The Sith Lord knew this. He knew that she would have to give herself now. He knew she would give her power up now.

"I will do-" she found words become extremely hard to form in her dry mouth, she stared down at her feet where her lightsaber laid as she spit out her inevitable phrase, "whatever you ask."

"Just help me save my children." She begged him, now staring confidently into his yellow eyes, "Help me keep Anakin. I can't live without them."

"To cheat death," he warned, "a power only one has achieved... but together I know we can discover the secret." He said, his voice was changed from the knowing comforting Chancellor, to a deeper tone. A haunting tone that chilled the girls bones.

The girl clenched her jaw. She remembered her time on Zygerria, when she needed to become a slave. She had to become powerless because fighting was useless. She knew then that she would only be a slave to her power. A power she didn't understand she even had yet, the dark force working in her masked and yet to be uncovered. So she kept her eye contact as she was brought to her knees. One knee at a time she knelt before the Sith Master.

The sweat glistened on her forehead, her eyes filled with hatred for herself and for the man before her as she uttered the final stamp on her fate: "I pledge myself, to your teachings, my Master."

She had disgust evident in her voice. She struggled to hold her head up, struggling with her shame, between words. She struggled with her inner thoughts as her new Master studied her.

"Good.. Good.." He smiled, his plan was going perfectly, "The force is strong in this one."

He took in a harsh breath. Yes, she was powerful. She had power that if uncovered, she could very well over take him. The thought scared him, but he needed her. He needed her power, he needed her on his side to keep order, and she was reluctant to join him. For her greatest weapon was dark power that could cripple the world onto their knees, and his greatest weapon was a manipulation and control that made his rule over others below him.

"A powerful Sith, you will become." He smiled at his new little weapon, "Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth Majka." He declared.

The feeling inside the young girl was bitter. She wasn't excited for her new name like the other apprentices before her. Other apprentices joined the Sith for power, for ambition. And although she had struggled with the want for such a thing before she would never have wanted to go this far. (Y/N) still wanted the feeling of hope still, she still had things to live for besides power. She may have the title, and the allegiance, but in no way was she dark.

"Thank you, Master." She hissed.

"Rise." The Master ordered. And she did so, happy to get off her knees. But she came up uneasy, staring out the broken window which took her Maste- Old Master- out of her life. In a way, she felt like he was the lucky one.

"I know the Jedi Council didn't trust you. So I trust that you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot." He pulled the hood onto his head to cover his head more, "When the Jedi learn what has happened here, they will kill us, all the Senators, and anyone else related to us."

"I agree." She stated quickly, thinking of her family and the image of Anakin being stabbed with a lightsaber from her dream haunted her, "The Council's next move will be against the Senate." She applied her military mind to her current situation. The Chancellor smiled at her adaptability.

"Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic." He told her, "The only exception made will be for you and your family to live in secret."

"I understand, Master." The girl said, it wasn't ideal. But she had been living drowning in secrets her whole life, one more won't make her drowning worse than it is.

"We must work quickly, Jedi are relentless." He said in disgust, "If they are not all destroyed it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go to the Jedi temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done Lord Majka. Do not hesitate, show no mercy. Only then will you be powerful enough to save Anakin, and your children."

Off balance. She thought. Perhaps that is what she represented in this world. She was off balance, and married balance to keep herself from falling. And he moment she strayed off the path, she began falling rapidly. She thought of her dream of screaming in the void. Falling in darkness. Screaming for someone to help as she was trapped. She had nowhere to run any more.

"What about the other Jedi spread across the Galaxy?" (Y/N) asked him in hope of finding a flaw to this plan, formally stepping in front of his desk.

"Their betrayal will be dealt with." Palpatine sat down, "After you have killed all the Jedi in the temple, go to the Mustafar system and wipe out Viceroy Gunray and the rest of the Separatist leaders. Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and then we shall have peace."

"It will be done, my Lord." The girl nodded, her jaw clenched in discontent. The Dark Lord sensed this, but knew she wouldn't and couldn't do anything now. She wanted her family too badly.

She was his now.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now