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I joined the council in the briefing room. All the other members besides Master Windu and I were on holograms as they all were disbanded into different points in the galaxy where the Separatists have tried to continue their final attacks. Commander Cody of the 212th attack battalion, or Obi-Wans legion, interrupted our meeting midway.

"Excuse our interruption. General Kenobi requests a status report on the reinforcements we requested." He says.

"General Skywalker and his battalion are preparing in the Hangar now. A good portion of his men are coming from another system and he waits their arrival. It won't be long." Master Windu informs him.

"General Kenobi has made contact with Grievous. We don't know how long we can hold them off." Commander said,

"I should go with them, Commander Gree is not far from the Utapau system now." I offer,

"Hmm." Master Windu debates a moment, "Inform Commander Gree to help Master Kenobi's raid on Utapau, this will give Skywalker time to collect his troopers. But you must stay put. Also inform the Chancellor of the status of Grievous, his reaction will be a tell sign of his intentions." He orders me.

I only nod and exit the room but my insides are burning. Why does he continue to move me like a pawn against the Chancellor. The Jedi must know that if the Chancellor is taken out the Council receives temporary claim of the senate, then where will the Galaxy be. It frustrates me thinking that the Republic is merely a toss up of people who only want to control it for their own sakes and not for the people.

I sent the plans to Gree and arranged for his troops to help Obi-Wan on Utapau as I flew in a fighter to the Senate building. Running to his door, I slowed down to meet him at his desk as he viewed files.

"Chancellor." I greet him, "We have just received the report that Master Kenobi and his troops have made contact with General Grievous." I told him. I waited for his reaction, hoping for the confirmation the Jedi hoped for, but also hoped it was wrong.

"Well then, I hope Master Kenobi is up for the challenge." He said, "I assume you'll be off to help then?"

"No, they've deployed General Skywalker for that." I tell him.

"A pity they never see your potential. They're too blinded by this idea of the Chosen One." He shook his head, "Always using their superstar and ignoring you. Just like they did when you were a Padawan." He said, standing with me. I felt myself shake with frustration and sadness. Why did they always ignore me?

"I wish I knew why they chose the way they did." I muttered.

"They don't trust you, (Y/N). They know that your potential seems clouded, and they don't like things they can't see. They don't like things the don't know." He tells me, patting my shoulder to walk with him, "You must break through the fog of lies the Jedi have created around you. You're much different from them because you see that, don't you?"

"I know there are things about the Force that they aren't telling me." I say, "I know there are things they keep from me, and that they have proven to be dishonest from the Code they so often push."

"What you need is a teacher who knows you, who isn't afraid of you." He told me, "Let me teach you about the true ways of the force."

"How do you know the ways of the force?" I felt my heart race. I felt terrified inside.

"My mentor taught me everything about the force." He turned away from my eye, "Even about the nature of the Dark side."

"You know the dark side?" I knitted my brows together as I passed in front of him.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now