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The four of us high-tailed it out of there. We ran as fast as we could to help our rebel base. When we got there they had already defeated the first wave.

"We did it!" They began to cheer, Ahsoka was trying to calm them, to keep them focused.

"Don't get too happy!" I yelled, "That was only the first wave."

"Looks like training is over." I said to Anakin, "I'll take left flank, if you take right."

They all went back to their positions. I readied my lightsabers. It was now Anakins turn to steady my hand.

"We are here to protect them, we cannot fight this war for them." Anakin said, I was amazed by how much this war was aging him. Both of us have changed so much..

We stayed behind a pillar while the droids and tanks filed in. Anakin and I used our lightsabers to deflect all the blasts in our direction. Caleb was at my side doing the same.

"There are too many of them!" Anakin told Steela at the pillar next to us, "(Y/N), Caleb, Ahsoka, and I can hold them off while you all run!"

"You taught us to fight! Not run!" Steela said, firing her huge blaster.

We all fought together then. The Jedi all protected as many as we could. While the rebels did the strikes and drills we taught them, now only with moving targets as opposed to stationary.

I began moving closer, and closer to the fire.

"General (Y/L/N)! You're moving to close! Fall back!" I heard Captain Gree behind me.

"There are too many of them!" I heard Caleb yell.

"I'm fine!" I said, I felt exhilarated in this. I felt great. This was my element. This is what I was good at. This was the least complicated thing in my life. Until I felt the heat burning my shoulder, and another in my leg.

I fell to the ground and clenched my fists, as if I didn't have enough scars. I stared at the sky, clenching my teeth. I was trained to handle this pain. I watched as the blaster fire shot above me. I felt Anakin's hands grab me- then I blacked out.


I woke up in an oxygen mask and in my under tank top and bathing bottoms. I was in a tube of liquid. I stared around me, and tapped on the glass. I saw I was in a tiny med center. I saw there was only a young woman in there at the time. I couldn't make out who.

She rushed to my aid and released me from my chamber. She wrapped me in a towel, saying how I was okay.

"You're okay, that must be scary waking up in there but you're fine. We just wanted to speed up the process." She said. "Your Jedi friends demanded it to be as fast as possible."

"Thank you." I said, standing up to go fetch my robes.

"Oh no sweetie, you need to stay here for the night. It'd be best to do that for the baby, too." She explained. I stopped in my tracks.. What did she say?

"The baby? Who has a baby here?" I asked, she giggled.

"You do?" She seemed incredulous. Like this was information I should already know.

"How long have I been here? I don't have a baby?" I questioned her.

"No! No!" She giggled, "Not yet! But you're very soon on but my tests say you are definitely pregnant." She says. "We don't have the best technology here so I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl, but by the look of you-"

"Pregnant..." I whisper to myself, I block out all she says, sitting back down, "Please tell me you have not told anyone of this news." I said, urgently.

"Oh no, of course not. Im only allowed to share that kind of information with immediate family members, of which none are here. Unless the Father is." She says. Such a sweet woman but boy I wanted to strangle her. "Is he?"

I was far too young for a child! Many Jedi after have had a child. But it's a danger! And with two Jedi having a child there's no telling how powerful that child will be. Or how the council will dishonor us. I could only think of Anakin's reaction. We always said we wanted children but not now. When we grew older and felt it was time to finish our Jedi journey and have a family. But now?

"Well don't get too excited." She said, "I assume you didn't know?"

"No." I said, "Please tell no one of this. No one else can know." I said, ripping off my tubes and trying to find my robes again.

"I won't but, please, Master Jedi, you must stay here." She begged.

"I just need air." I kept repeating.

"I have an oxygen mask!" She tried. I didn't respond. Only repeating that I needed air. I did. I felt so confined, so boxed in. I could feel everything coming down on my. Anakin and I are so young.

There is something inside of me. Something that needed me alive. How am I supposed to fight when I'm pregnant? Do I keep it? How should this work now? I guess this explains why I've felt so sick the last few days. I wanted to go somewhere to cry. Because either way this is horrible news for me. But I couldn't this was the risk we took.

I could just not tell Anakin? Then he would never be at fault? He wouldn't have to leave the Order. The baby and I could just disappear. But I know I couldn't do this without him. He would never let me leave. I spend the night in my own cabin and he gets suspicious, as do I. I eventually ran out of the small med center and saw that the base was empty. It felt like there was no one around. But I knew that couldn't be true, perhaps only dinner time or something.

I sat down near a broken stone fountain. Holding my stomach because if I focused enough, I could feel the growing inside of me. Ever since I got sick I thought something was different. I could feel the heartbeat, 2 of them. Must be my heart beat and the child's.

I wanted to cry. I was so frustrated with myself. With who I had become. When I was a first initiate his was not who I was. Something inside of me was changing. I couldn't stop it and I knew I was feeding it with my frustration but I couldn't help it. I loved Anakin. I wanted to do this all despite the risks. I couldn't tell anyone. Not yet anyway.

Then I heard footsteps. I wiped away the forming tears and turned around to the youngling.

"Master (Y/L/N)?" He asked, "Are you okay? I went to go visit you, but Nurse Alice said you left." He ran a hand through his medium length hair that at times flopped onto his forehead.

"Yes, yes of course I'm fine, Caleb. Just needed to get some air. Where are the rest of the Rebels?" I asked.

"They went into town yesterday to continue a strike on the Separatists. Master Skywalker told me to stay and take you to them when you were healed." He told me.

"Oh." I said, I must've been healing during that time, "Well their loss they didn't take you with them. They could've used your help. You were quite the fighter yesterday." I told him.

"Not as cool as you! I couldn't believe you went out that far! It was so brave! And two lightsabers! You have to teach me that!" He said, excitedly.

"I'm not sure brave was the correct word for my actions yesterday." I laughed at my stupidity, "I'm sure when you get a Master they will teach you all you need to know. Much like how Master Windu did for me."

"But I do have a Master.." He said awkwardly.

"Oh? I didn't know. Who is your Master?" I asked.

"Well, um, you are, Master (Y/L/N)."

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now