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"Sit down my child." Palpatine says. I sat down across from his desk, "I need to answer something, but stay right there."

I only nodded in response. I watched over as he talked to a hologram of Master Yoda about something. I didn't really listen that much. I focused on the fact that I hadn't talked to the love of my life in days. These past few days have been so difficult. It's like I can't focus anymore.

The council has rejected me to enter their last meeting, Master Windu told me it was because there was a very important issue that needed to be discussed. Why am I not important to them at all? I couldn't possibly have even a minute in their meeting?

The Chancellor hung up. I felt him staring at me as I stared at my hands. I rubbed them, trying to get the feeling of Anakin's hands off.

"You seem troubled, (Y/N). Is there anything bothering you?" He asked.

"I feel as though my path is blocked." I frowned.

"How do you mean?" He asked.

"The council didn't let me into their meeting, again." I said simply.

"Perhaps they don't trust you. They don't understand you, how a padawan can grow so quickly in the force without actually being the Chosen One. Thats something to be afraid of." He said. Everything he said was so calm.

"The Masters are not afraid of anything." I brushed it off.

"That's what they'd like you to believe. Everyone is afraid of things. As much as they'd like to make you believe you need to cover up all your feelings. They're no better than you are." He told me.

"I don't understand the reason to cover up all emotion." I stood up and walked toward the window.

"That's what makes you special, (Y/N). You must embrace your emotion. It makes you human-"

"Chancellor? Representatives of the Jedi Council have asked to speak with you." Palpatine's right hand man, enters the room.

"Shall I leave?" I asked,

"No, it may be good for you to learn about these interactions." He said.

I turned and stood behind and to the right of him. I folded my hands together as General Plo Koon, General Kenobi, and Anakin walked in. My heart dropped when I saw him. The last time I saw him was that night. I felt awful inside. This was not the outcome I wanted.

"Hello, please take a seat." He offers the men.

"Thank you, Chancellor." Obi-Wan nods.

"What is the need for this meeting?" Palpatine asks,

"We're here to see if there's a possibility to have more ships with a cloaking device created. Everyday more of our men are lost and our supplies will eventually run too low if we can be spotted everywhere we go as this war continues." Plo Koon says.

"It'll need to be brought up in the Senate. The banking clan will need information. Our loans are depleting the republics funds." He informed them.

  "This would be a good investment. If more are made, we lose much less. I used one not too long ago, it created what usually should've used 5 ships only happen with one." Anakin told him.

"A worthy reason. I will get the Senates insight, and do what is best for the republic." He said.

"On behalf of the Jedi Order, we thank you for your time Chancellor." Anakin says, he looks up from him to me. I felt my heart skip a beat as I stood behind the Chancellor.

"Thank you." Palpatine dismissed them. I watched them walk away. I stepped forward. Beside his desk. I want to go with them so bad, I want to talk about war tactics and what is right for the order.

"I admire their sincerity." Palpatine says when the door closes, "Although I sense there may be more to their request than they're telling us." I turned around to look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"They're not to be trusted." Palpatine looked up at me. I furrowed my brow.

"Surely, General Skywalker can be." I suggested, both considering he's not on the council and I'll admit the fact that I'm in love with him does play a factor.

"These are unstable times for the Republic, (Y/N). Some see instability as an opportunity." He told me, "General Skywalker is hiding something. I can see it in his eyes." He said slowly, staring up at my own eyes. I must say it made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sure you're mistaken." I told him, looking away for a moment.

"I'm surprised your Jedi insights aren't more sensitive to such things." He rose an eyebrow. I felt insecure about my abilities. How could a non-force sensitive sense such things?

"I simply don't sense betrayal in General Skywalker." I said, stronger.

"Or you simply don't want to admit it." He said, going back to his paper work.

I looked away from him and to the large window again. Soon after I dismissed myself. I went to the garden to meditate. I saw the younglings again.

I loved watching the younglings. It made me so happy to see them training in the basics. It made me feel so accomplished. I saw my favorite in the right back. He was using the blinding helmets to deflect blasts from a training droid. He never missed. I was proud of him. Yes. That's my boy.

I closed my eyes in the garden. I didn't need to be at Master Windu's for another hour for training. I calmed my mind and sent myself to a place in my mind I never went to before. I began to feel the pain. I felt the suffering. I heard yelling and screaming. I couldn't decipher from who. I got flashes of images. It was like my dreams I used to have as a protector.

I saw Anakin's face at one point. It was too quick to tell what emotion. I saw my lightsabers. I saw multiple lightsabers. I heard the sounds of them clashing. I felt the burning on my skin. I saw Master Windu. I heard children crying. I felt pain in my heart. So much pain. I felt not anger or frustration but so much fear.

"Excuse me-" I was ripped away from this land for a moment. I breathed heavy and wiped my wet eyes.

"Yes! Yes! I'm sorry." I said quickly before opening my eyes. In front of me was my favorite boy.

"Sorry, you just looked upset. Master Yoda said it can be hard to stop meditating, so I thought I'd help you." He said.

"Well, thank you very much." I told him, "What's your name?" I asked him.

"Caleb, what's yours?" He asked back.

"(Y/N). It's lovely to meet you. Master Yoda has taught you well." I told him.

"Training isn't over for me. Are you a knight?" He asked me.

"Not yet." I told him, "But I will be soon."

"Good luck! I'll be a padawan soon, I can feel it. I hope we see each other fighting." He said.

"I'm sure we will." I told him. He then said good bye and ran off. This interaction sealed the deal for me. He was such a sweet kid. He reminded me of Anakin, always wanted to help someone.

Anakin. Why did when I saw his face I associated it with pain? That's never happened before? Surely it can't be my own pain. I needed to talk to someone about this. I practically ran to Master Windu's room. I didn't know what I would say when I got there but I needed help. I needed guidance. What do I need to be doing right now?

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now