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The Hero With No Fear found himself first at the Jedi temple. The cold feeling he felt here was almost unbearable. He approached Commander Gree who him and some other troopers stood at the entrance.

"Commander, what's going on here?" Anakin asked.

"We're taking care of the rebellion here, sir." Gree saluted him.

"Oh." Anakin uttered before trying to take a step forward, but Gree stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I can't let you any further." Gree explained.

"Is General (Y/L/N) in there?" He asked.

"I can't tell you that." Gree said. Anakin began to be frustrated. He needed to know where she was. And he needed to know now.

Little did he know that the woman he loved was only three floors above him, leading the crusade against the Jedi. People she knew, she taught, she looked up to, even ones she didn't know-innocents- they were all dead.

She drew from the hatred she had boiled over the years. All the times she was ignored, all the times she was underestimated, all the times that she wasn't allowed to be human anymore. She hated that most. She hated that she couldn't choose, she couldn't have her basic emotions.

And even with all of this she still felt every single death. Every time she sliced her sword against someones head or chest, or every time another is shot down, she yelled out in pain. She felt her heart die and fall each individual she killed.

"Sir?" One of her troopers, Stiles, got her attention.

"Yes." She said.

"What should we do with the younglings?" He asked, pointing down the hall where the children who ran into the common room, the place she had met Anakin resided.

"I will take care of it." She said. She graced herself down the hall, keeping her hood up.

"Master (Y/L/N)!" One child spoke up right away. She shut the door behind her before addressing them. She had special orders from her master on how to deal with the children. She would follow them, mostly. She was never one to follow orders and that wouldn't change now. "What are we going to do? There are too many of them."

"You'll all be safe." She said, turning to them. The boy who spoke, she recognized him from Anakin's classes where she would sit and watch.

"Are we going to fight?" The boy, Copes, asked her. She shook her head.

"All of you, please sit." She told them, she pulled her coat back so they would see she was carrying a lightsaber, even though she would never use it on a child.

"I'm giving you all a choice." She spoke, (Y/N) tried her best to sound confident, "You can either leave the Jedi Order, and join me, or you can leave the Jedi Order and disappear. If you're caught using the force, the Republic forces are instructed to kill you on sight. I'm trying my best to help you now, but after this I have no choice." She begged the children.

"What's going on?" Naroyo, a girl from Fest, asked.

"The Jedi council has betrayed the republic-" the girl started to explain, but all the children began to cry and gasp of the thought that their heroes had betrayed anyone.

"What does it mean to join you?" Copes asked.

"You would be trained to work for the Chancellor. You would be known as an inquisitor, fighting off the threats to our new government." She explained.

After the initial confusion, 14 children decided to join under (Y/N)'s tutelage. 12 of them decided to leave to hiding. She didn't need to use her saber on them at all. She had killed too many Jedi to kill the younglings.

She filed them onto a transport ship and sent them to the Senate building. There they would be greeted by the Chancellors right hand man, and held in a secret location for training.

The other younglings she was supposed to kill, but (Y/N) couldn't do that. Her whole objective here was to save children, she couldn't kill them. She hopped into her fighter afterward, and took off to Mustafar.

3 levels below her husband was still fighting with Gree.

"You have to let me in there!" He ordered.

"I have direct orders to keep you out of this building during the purge." Gree explained.

"The purge?" Anakin asked.

"Yes for the Jedi's betrayal." Gree said, as if it were old news. Suddenly Anakin felt like his entire lifes purpose had been stripped from him.

He was supposed to be the One to protect the Jedi. He was supposed to restore balance to the force and destroy the Sith. But now this was being stripped away from him. He had missed his opportunity, he thought. Now he didn't know what side his wife was on.

He saw her green fighter leave the landing platform above them. He didn't say another word as he rushed back to his own fighter. He couldn't get into his own yellow fighter quickly enough.

Flying was his territory, she had no chance to get away from him. This was a game of cat and mouse, but she wasn't finished yet. She needed to get to Mustafar and he needed to stay out of this. But Anakin was never one to back away from anything.

"R2, can you lock onto her course?" The young man with the scar over his eye tried his hardest to get a hold of her before she went to hyperspace.

R2 told him she hadn't set it yet and he groaned in frustration: "Can you at least get me a signal to her?"

R2 was successful but she kept declining to speak to him. She raced as fast as she could out of Coruscant's atmosphere. She was also a very good pilot, she thought of all the times she had been with Anakin during an attack. There were times they would be in cannons together fighting off Separatists fighter droids, or times they had to weave through entire fields of meteors.

"C'mon (Y/N)! Talk to me!" Anakin yelled out loud.

"Anakin, I'm fine!" (Y/N) finally slowed down. She would distract him while she set her course.

"No! Don't give me that! I know you aren't!" Anakin was getting so frustrated with her, why wouldn't he tell her anything? Why wouldn't she accept his help?

"I don't need saving, Anakin." She told him, "Why aren't you with the babies?"

"I put Ahsoka in charge of them." Anakin said. Right away (Y/N) wanted to cry. If Ahsoka was found there she'd be dead in a minute.

"Anakin, you have to get her out of there!" She yelled at him.

"Tell me why." He said, her coordinates were almost set.

"Because, every trooper and I have direct orders to kill every Jedi." She said sadly, "I don't want to do it. But I have to."

"What?" He uttered, "(Y/N), no you don't! We're free from the Jedi Order! We have choices now! Think about what you're doing!"

"I can't! For the sake of our children, I can't!" She yelled than her coordinates were set. She couldn't talk to him anymore.

"Let me help you!" He begged.

"I'll be back soon." She told him, then she connected to her hyperspace ring and was gone.

"R2! Can you get her coordinates?" Anakin barked at R2 after a moment of silence. He was hurt. He was confused.

R2 sadly had to tell Anakin she was gone too quickly, and had masked her coordinates. Anakin yelled out incoherently in frustration.

He clenched his jaw as a frustrated tear fell from his eye. All he wants to do is help her. Why couldn't she see that he was all hers? That she was his all he ever needed, she was the life support he needed to keep shining. To keep breathing. Without her he would've never had the amount of drive she gave him. He would've never been the light she needed.

And now this darkness surrounds her, and the light he's showing is flashing colors and trying its hardest to grow. But instead its diminishing with each piece of light she kills. As the darkness takes over, the woman he knows is still there is lost. Where as she was reaching out to touch the light before, her back is turned. She can't find her little source of light anymore.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now