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  "Who are you working for?" I ask Bane. His spine is in pain but I hold my foot to his chest. Trying to prod for the answers.

"Nobody you'd like." He snarls.

"You don't know, I'm a very forgiving person." I say sarcastically, he says nothing and keeps his head down holding his stomach.

"Tell me." I demand him. I try a Jedi mind trick on him but it doesn't work, I never exactly learned how to use them.

"My employer isn't exactly something I hand out." He looks at his fingers. Making a motion for money.

"I dont think your greed should be a concern with where your going." I roll my eyes, "If you were looking for me then why were you shooting at Skywalker?" I ask,

"He was... in the way. I needed to lure you somehow." He smirked, he was smarter than I thought.

Finally when the ship is set down, I run up to the doors and open them to reveal Anakin, and R2 waiting for me.

I run up and hug him. I grab onto his shoulders tight, savoring this moment. Remembering a moment in the ship where I thought I might never see him again.

"I'm so sorry.." He mutters, I squeeze him tighter. But soon I have to let go, remembering that others were around.

"Sir? What would like us to do with the criminal?" A Naboo security man asks,

"Put him in a room and guard the door. Make sure he doesn't leave, I'd like to have a little chat with him-" Anakin starts but I also stop him midway. He dismisses the guard to look at me.

"Not necessary. When I gained control of the ship I tried interrogating him but he was only interested in money. He won't say his employer just that he's the same guy who wanted Padmé dead." I inform Anakin.

"Then why was he aiming for me?" Anakin asked, I shrugged.

"He said you were 'in the way' but if you two have a past I wouldn't be surprised if it was just for fun." I say as we begin to make our way to a room to talk to the council.

"It's definitely not our first encounter." Anakin slumps his shoulders, "Whoever this guy is, he's going to pay." He mutters.

I rub his back to soothe him, not wanting him to be angry.

"I should be the one soothing you, you're the one who was just kidnapped." He chuckled, politely shrugging off my hand.

"It's no big deal, he's caught now. When Master Unduli and I would go on missions, it would happen all the time as you know." I shrugged.

"You're a wanted woman." He nudged me with his shoulder. He opened the door to the cruisers command center.

Not in the way I want to be.. I think, even though it's not my place to say. I did turn him away.

"Where'd you get this ship anyway?" I ask, changing the topic.

"Captain Typho allowed me to use it when he heard you were taken." He answered.

Then he began the transmission with the council. Windu & Yoda both appeared.

"(Y/L/N), glad to see you made it back alright." Windu began,

"I'm glad to be back." I said, Anakin and I bowed.

"A good team, you two make. Noted your efforts the council has. Wrong, we were about who the target was." Yoda speaks to us.

"Thank you, Master Yoda." Anakin says, "What would you like us to do now?"

"Back, the people after you will come. Relentless, they are. Safe on Naboo, you are not." Yoda says.

"But what about the Senator?" I ask back so quickly, concerned for my friend.

"The senator is believed to be dead by all outside parties. We will send another Jedi there to keep an eye out. But for now she is safe. Now you two must hide. I'm sure whoever it is that is after you, (Y/L/N), will now be after Skywalker as well." Windu says, "Be careful. You will need to find a different ship and be as discrete as possible."

"Yes, Master Windu." Anakin nodded.

"Skywalker, remember don't do anything without consulting Obi-Wan or the council first." Windu added, "(Y/L/N), don't do anything stupid." He pleaded.

"You have my word." I smiled at my old mentor.

Then the communication ended and I followed Anakin off the ship when we landed. We didn't speak much except for business matters with others.

"Go, get anything you might need and meet R2 and I on the landing platform, keep your hood on." Anakin whispered to me. His breath made me shiver in the cool Naboo air.

I went back to my room quick to see if I forgot anything in there that is of necessity. Checking and tidying up so there wasn't much cleaning to do later. I only brought a small bag of clothing, I grabbed that then went next door to see if Anakin left behind anything.

When I entered his room I was shocked by the mess he left. He must've smashed two vases and knocked over nightstand. And his bed was a mess. I picked up as much as I could. Being in his room it was like I could still feel him. I could smell his warm scent. And I could feel so much pain in him, or is it my own pain I'm feeling? I don't want this pain anymore.

After making the room clean again, I grabbed Anakin's bag and went to the landing platform as quickly as I could.

"Took ya long enough." Anakin rolled his eyes, jokingly.

"Sorry.." I tucked strand of hair behind my ear, just like he had the night before, and I handed him his bag.

"Oh, yeah thank you. I forgot about my stuff." Anakin's eyes flickered a moment of pain, he realized I went into his room. I tried to smooth over the moment with smile.

"Oh the selflessness of a Jedi." I smiled, putting my hand on his arm to turn him to the platform.

"Captain Typho is letting us take that ship." Anakin pointed to a smaller unit. Enough for the both of us and R2.

"How kind of him." I mention. Looking up from my hood, hoping to catch a glimpse at Anakin's blue eyes but his hood is kept down.

"Come on." He says, walking on board our ship.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now