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"Good to see you again, old friend." Obi-Wan saw his one time apprentice. They embraced quickly before settling into their situation.

"Good to see you too, Master." Anakin bowed his head to the both of them.

"Dangerous times, these are." Yoda nodded.

"Indeed, Master Yoda." Anakin replied, "What's the plan? I tried to get in there last night, but no one would let me in."

"Your lucky they didn't shoot you on site! We'll need to do what they did, take it by force." Obi-Wan said, determination in his eyes, "We need to shut off that signal and warn the remaining Jedi. We cannot be the only survivors."

"There has to be another way, the Troopers are just confused. We don't have to kill them." Anakin begged.

"Anakin, there is no other way. If there were we would use it. They've killed thousands of Jedi, we need to get into that temple alive." Obi-Wan tried to convince his friend, "I know you want to save everyone, Anakin, but you can't."

Anakin shrugged Obi-Wan's hand off his shoulder. His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched at the thought. The image of his own wife's rage holding Dooku's throat in her hands came to mind. He couldn't murder like she had, even if it did seem like the right thing. He loved his wife, everyone was just confused by the lies being fed to them by the Chancellor.

"Don't remind me." Anakin muttered, he found himself staring at his best friend.

Obi-Wan gave him a knowing look before turning to make the move to the temple. He had forgotten the last time he had seen anyone in the Order smile, really smile. They always try to joke, and make witty comments, try to act like the war didn't change anything. But for Anakin Skywalker, the war changed everything, and he seems to be the only one who noticed.

"Have either of you seen Master (Y/L/N)?" Anakin dared to ask the question as they started to move toward the temple.

"With you, she is not?" Yoda questioned. Yoda had always been questionable of the two. But because one, there was always the other. After their mission on Naboo together, it was assumed there would be a close bond of friendship. No one complained or could deny, that they worked incredibly well together.

Yes, Yoda had always been watching the two. But even with nearly 900 years under his belt, that was the full extent of his knowledge. He didn't know as much as Master Kenobi, or Senator Amidala, or the Chancellor. His power limited him there.

"No, she left, she was the last Jedi I saw. I fear for her safety, Masters." Anakin explained.

"Fearful for everyone in the Order, we are." Yoda said, "Not good, your possessive behavior for (Y/L/N) is."

Anakin wanted to scream at that. He didn't care at all that it was bad. He didn't care at all that what they did was told to be bad. Because when he was with (Y/N), it never felt bad, it felt right. It always felt like it was destined for them to be together.

Every time he blinks, for that quick moment he sees (Y/N)'s face as she sleeps, the moments he would wake up and wonder how she was dreaming. She was always so beautiful to him. When she slept, her face looked much younger, as her worries would float away into a dreamy sleep. Before the nightmares started she had a ghost of a smile as he held her in his arms as she slept. When she began to be haunted by nightmares, he would stay up often worried for her safety, worried she was in pain. Having her close was the easiest way he could know. He would reach through the force to feel if she was in pain. Since she is so far away, he does that now, and concludes that she is.

Anakin and (Y/N), over the last three years that became one word because they were always together. Always felt drawn to each other and shared a special kind of bond, that the force seemed to bind them together. As Anakin reached through the force he felt the strain on his heart, he felt it breaking. He concluded that was the pain his wife was feeling, and he needed to help her. He felt the heat on his face. He felt the pain in his arm again as it ran through the metal. It felt like he was dying.

Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin lined themselves a ways away from the Temple. Since the Jedi have been targeted, they don't have any kind of access to more people or weapons or even a ship to transport them.

The three of them, the most powerful Jedi, and perhaps the last remaining, stormed their temple. There were less clones than the night before, transported across the galaxy to hunt for more Jedi. The trio sliced through troopers, Yoda at one point stabbed a clone by throwing his saber at him. They blocked any attack with amazing precision. Anakin knew some of the clones and he often let out a painful grunt as he ended their life. The clones didn't stand a chance.

After all the clones had been taken out, the trio walked through the Temple, Anakin's lightsaber was still in his hand as he walked. They found themselves coming across bodies lying on the ground, dead.

"Not even the Padawan's were safe." Obi-Wan knelt next to a young Falleen girl. Obi-Wan suddenly felt like he was back at the time when Anakin was his Padawan. When he was a young teacher, he would've done anything to have saved these young ones.

"What about the younglings?" Anakin asked, he ran down the hall to the common room. This is where the class of younglings would've gone. He stood in the room and felt overwhelmed.

While the other two Jedi caught up, Anakin stared around the empty room. He looked at the small cushioned bench where he sat the day the most beautiful girl he had ever seen walked into his life. He remembered feeling her nerves, he remembered she was the girl that Obi-Wan and Master Windu had saved.

He kept his head down, but felt the need to comfort her. He remembered seeing her use the force, how amazing she was. He knew then he wanted to be in her life, but she didn't know he had seen her. He couldn't bring it up, he'd seem very strange. So instead he settled for:

"You're new? You don't seem familiar."

He had to smile at himself, not exactly one of his best pick up lines. He knew she would be so powerful, he wished he could've told her more how fantastic she is. That she didn't have to do this.

"Where are the younglings?" Obi-Wan snapped Anakin back to reality.

"Not here." Anakin said, "As far as we know they aren't dead."

"Taken by the dark side then." Yoda shook his head.

"The dark cloud around us is getting stronger." Obi-Wan stroked his beard, "I can't believe the clones could be capable of all this."

"Killed by clones, these Jedi were not." Yoda said. Anakin's heart beat so quickly, all of his fears were rapidly becoming realities he wasn't ready to face.

"What?" Anakin uttered, clenching his lightsaber tightly in his mechanical hand.

"Done by lightsaber, these killings were." Yoda concluded, due to the lightsaber slashes that laid across some of the Jedi's chests.

"Who could have done this?" Obi-Wan knelt down by the bodies. The overwhelming feeling of hollowness surrounded them.

But Anakin knew. He couldn't face it, but he knew. By the way Yoda held his head, it seemed he did as well.

And her time wasn't over.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now