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I reported first thing in the morning to the council. I stood in the middle of their circle as I reported the information I gathered from my time on Zygerria.

"Thank you for your report. You did an excellent job, (Y/L/N)." Master Windu said.

"Thank you, Master." I bowed. Master Windu then came and stood next to me. I looked at him, confused for a moment as to why he was joining me.

"Your Master believes, ready for the trials, you are." Master Yoda spoke up. I looked between him and Master Windu. Since when was this a thing?

"He does?" I blurted out, surprised.

"He does." Master Windu said.

"Impossible, she's too young to be ready for the trials." Master Tiin said, "When she joined the Order at a late age we told you her training would also be penalized."

"I assure you, in this time my apprentice has done more training and is able of more things in the force than some Knights. She is ready." Master Windu said.

"How will we hold the trials if not all of the Masters are able to be present?" Master Ki Adi Mundi's hologram spoke up.

"That is a good point. We need the Masters here for the trials to commence." Master Plo Koon said.

"But we need more knights, more generals. More padawans need Masters. We need more people out there during this war." Master Koth's hologram argued.

"I'm ready to be a knight, how else can I prove myself?" I asked.

"Let me handle this." Master Windu told me, I held my tongue. "It would not be the first time we allowed a padawan to become a knight without the trials-"

"That was different, Skywalker has his Chosen One status to live up to-" Master Ki Adi Mundi started.

"And (Y/L/N) has held her own against a Sith Lord on the Battle of Geonosis, protected Senator Amidala for 6 months without a Masters guidance with no incidents, and just held her maturity and sacrificed herself for a ship filled with important Republic officers." Master Windu argued. I hated not being able to defend myself here. I felt helpless. This was all I wanted.

"There was no argument on your apprentice's abilities. But what we allowed with Skywalker was a one time situation. We cannot keep allowing our tradition to be stretched, even in a time of war." Master Ki Adi Mundi pointed out.

"I also was against allowing Skywalker to skip the trials, but with this war we must do what is necessary for the order. Like Master Tiin said, her training has been unorthodox from the beginning much like Skywalker's has. In some ways she even rivals him. She has what it takes if you could only-" Master Windu bargained.

"But where do we draw the line? We cannot allow knights without them proving their eligibility." Master Poof asked.

They continued arguing back and forth, I made eye contact with Master Kenobi. He stared at me. I pleaded with him in my eyes to say something to help, but we both know it would do nothing. Obi-Wan was the one who convinced them to allow Anakin to skip the trials, he would just look like he wanted to all padawans to skip the trials.

"Master Yoda, what are your thoughts?" Master Windu asked.

"Accelerate your apprentice's training on Coruscant, you must. Record your sessions to show to the council. Important to remember our tradition at this time. Meditate on this matter, I will, a decision may come then." He says.

Then I'm dismissed from their meeting. I walk around the garden. This was always my favorite place in the temple. It was always green and beautiful and peaceful. I grabbed a flat rock and skipped it in the still pond.

I sat by the water. How could Master Windu keep dangling these things in front of me. I'm ready for to be a knight! Why can't they see that? I wish I was never in that room. Standing in front of them was so embarrassing as multiple told me they didn't believe in me. Not to toot my own horn but in some ways I'm just as powerful as Anakin! In many ways I have had no guidance at all. They've allowed me to slip through the cracks.

If only Master Unduli was with me. If only she could've just been in that meeting. Maybe if I had always had the same Master I would be a Knight now. But if they won't listen to Master Windu, the second most powerful Jedi alive, then who will they listen to? I understand it's controversial but I can handle it! I've been able to handle everything else in my messed up life.

From now on, duty has to come first in my life. I cannot allow my love for Anakin and my fears steer me away. That meeting has relit my passion to become a knight. If accelerating my training is what I must do, then so be it. I'll be in that training room every day. I'll become the most powerful Jedi ever. This is what I've wanted since I was a child and I will not let this dream die. I'll rival Yoda. I'll learn all I can.

I'm tired of being looked over. I'm tired of being being walked on. I'll show them how ready I am to be a knight.

I held onto my necklace. I stared at Anakin's charm. There was a little loop that I thought looked like a ring at first glance but its actually a small metal heart. He also engraved a circle wooden charm to say

 He also engraved a circle wooden charm to say

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Which translates to "You have my heart."

I missed him. I spent the night with him last night, and I missed him now. I wanted to talk to him about this. I wanted to ask him why they looked at me like I wasn't worth it, when I've done so much to prove myself. Why won't they let me move forward? I was so hurt. I went back to his room and opened it, he wasn't there. There was a note left on his work desk.

"(Y/N), sorry I'm not here right now. I've been called on a mission in Lothal. I don't know for how long, so I left the wrench you needed on my bed. I hope you get it fixed. See you soon." He wrote. I sighed. I didn't need a wrench, but he had good thinking in case someone else came instead of me.

I left his room then. I was walking down the halls and Master Windu found me.

"There you are." He sighed, walking towards me, "We have work to do."

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now