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"I don't-I don't know.." I felt the anger leave my body and the person I knew return. I shouldn't have done that. I should've listened to Anakin. Anakin looked at me as if to say "we'll talk about this later."

The ship shook, "We need to leave!" The Chancellor complained and tugged us to the door. Anakin and I departed to get Obi-Wan.

"Leave him! Or we'll never make it!" The Chancellor said.

"I think we've seem enough death today." Anakin said, "His fate will be the same as ours."

I lifted the platform and Anakin took Obi-Wan from under it. He put Obi-Wan over his shoulder and we went to the elevators.

Another crash shook the ship and the floor became the wall as it fell completely on its side. I held onto the elevator door and the Chancellor held onto my boot.

"Chancellor, you're going to need to climb up me and into the elevator shaft." I got out between breaths.

"I got him." Anakin came to my rescue. He had already pulled him and Obi-Wan into the elevator shaft and began to use the force to move the Chancellor in as well. Once he did, he pulled me up.

"Our best bet is to go to the main hangar, see if there are any ships worth flying out of here before Ahsoka blows this whole thing up." He said, his eyes avoiding me.

We all began running, then of course, the ship began to level again. The walls returned to being walls and Anakin and I gripped at the sides of the walls. We both found some wire to hang onto. The Chancellor almost continued plummeting but I snatched him using the force I brought him to my foot. I used as much strength as I could to hold us.

Anakin and Obi-Wan were above me, and it was then that Obi-Wan decided to rejoin the party.

"Easy, we're in a bit of a situation." Anakin told Obi-Wan as he panicked at the realization of the situation. Obi-Wan gripped Anakin's back.

"Did I miss something?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Oh, not much." The Chancellor said. I heard the screech of metal above us, crooking my neck to look above Anakin, I saw the elevator coming down at us.

"Anakin!" I yelled to warn him,

"Oops," he pulled out the commlink to R2, "R2 shut down elevator 34472-"

"Too late, jump!" Obi-Wan yelled, and so we did. We began sliding down the walls, racing the elevator as it gained speed.

"There's the level for the hangar! Jump through there!" Obi-Wan yelled, opening the next elevators doors.

Anakin grabbed me to push me in and let me land on him instead of the floor.

"Are you alright?" He asked, still avoiding my eye as he checked my body for any harm.

"I'm just fine." Chancellor said, Obi-Wan helped him stand.

"Im fine." I told Anakin. I rolled off of him and the four of us found ourselves running down the hall to the main hangar.

We said nothing to each other. Anakin got out the commlink to R2.

"R2, get down here, we need to-" then we were stopped. We couldn't keep going.

"Ray shields?" I stopped, frustrated.

"Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!" Obi-Wan complained.

"Apparently not." I rolled my eyes, I just wanted to get out of here.

"I say patience." Anakin said, calm.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now