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She walked as fast as she could while still dealing with her brains twisted thoughts.

She pulled out her commlink and made the connection to her friend, Commander Gree. She had to stop in whatever hallway she was in and lean against the wall in order to appear strong.

"General (Y/L/N). Why hasn't General Skywalker joined us here?" Gree greeted her with questions, it was nice to hear her own name.

"Commander Gree, I need you to pull your forces from Utapau." The weak girl ordered.

"What? General, are you alright?" He asked in concern. She nodded, not having much choice but to lie.

"I need you to come to the Jedi temple. There's been a rebellion by the Jedi." She informed him, her lies tainting her throat.

"That.. That can't be true. Are you positive?" He asked.

"General Skywalker and I were the only two not involved. I've been given this mission from the Chancellor, himself." She told him, "You must follow orders, Commander."

Without another word the transmission ended. She took in a deep breath. She wasn't ready for the pain she would feel soon.

"(Y/N)?" She heard her name down the hall, her real name.

She turned to see the love of her life. He stood there in the hall, his blue eyes confused and innocent.

"Anakin." She breathed. She forced her legs to a run as she needed his arms so badly. She needed her home.

"Where have you been?" He asked, "What's going on? Something bad has happened I know it." He rushed out.

"There's been an uprising in the Jedi." She lied.

"You're lying." He stated, he could always tell she was lying by the way her body stiffened when she did.

"I wish I was." She looked down and away from him, "I watched as Master Windu attempted to murder the Chancellor."

A feeling of regret washed over her as she lied to her love. She imagined her Master flying out of the window again.

"What did you do?" He asked her, releasing her from his arms and holding her shoulders.

"I did what I had to to protect the Republic." She said, a tear falling from her eyes, "Can I hold my children, please?" She asked. She wanted to hold them and make sure they knew they were saved.

"Of course." He kissed her forehead. He held the small of her back as he guided her to the room they were being held in. Anakin asked the droid to lift the glass that encased them.

Anakin held the boy, Luke, careful not to touch or disturb the tubes that gave him oxygen and nutrients.

"Hold her just like this." He instructed. (Y/N) nodded, understanding as she picked up the young girl.

She held her daughter in her arms. The little one wiggled around, little Leia found (Y/N)'s finger and gripped it tightly. While here, (Y/N) felt grounded. She felt like herself instead of Darth Majka.

"It's going to be okay." The weak mother whispered to her child, "It's going to be okay."

Anakin watched her from across the crib. He knew something was wrong. He held his son tightly, he felt his sons tiny heartbeat. He was so happy to hold this tiny life in his hands, and watch him grow. He was a father, and always would be.

"It will be okay." Anakin assured his wife, "The force has given us these children, it won't take them away."

She weeped while staring into her little girls eyes: "I love you, and you're my beautiful little girl." She told her. The little girl calmed and stared into her mothers beautiful, yet sad face. Little Leia was silent for the first time.

Suddenly both Anakin and (Y/N) felt strain on their mind and heart. The force, the light side was dying. Anakin had no clue why his heart began hurting so badly.

But (Y/N) knew. She felt every Jedi death take a toll on her shoulders. She had another job she had to do, or she would never be able to hold her child again.

"I have to go." She said, placing her little girl back into her crib, the glass enclosing her back in. Leia cried to have her mother back, (Y/N) allowed tears to fall as well.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" Anakin yelled, carefully placing Luke in his crib again.

"I'm sorry, Anakin." His wife cried, "I can't stay here."

"What? Why?" He rushed to grab her, "I'll come with you, the droids can take care of them. Don't leave me." He begged her. His own tears blossoming, "I told you I'd never leave you, why are you leaving me?"

"I don't mean to there's just too much going on. The war is coming to an end. I'm trying to get my troopers out. Something is wrong, I have to help." She tried to reason with him.

"You also have to help your family." His eyes pierced into her, he felt the conflict that was in her. He wanted to help her, and he was frustrated that she wouldn't let him in. But she needed to keep him in the dark. He held his forehead to hers.

"Stay with me." He begged her again.

"I-I want to. But I can't, I need to do this. We will have plenty of time to be a family, when I return." She kissed him one last time, her tears rubbing off onto his cheeks. She was terrified.

"We'll always be a family." He promised her. She only nodded, then wiggled out of his grasp as she needed to run to her speeder and meet her troops at the Jedi temple.

She needed to finish her duty. Anakin understood that, more than anyone he agreed that duty should come first. But he also felt so deeply that he needed to help her. The last three years of his life was him protecting her, keeping her safe, and today was no exception.

He sat in the room with his children while he waited for Ahsoka. Ahsoka, who's training he's avoided for the last few days.

"Master?" Ahsoka entered the room, wearily, she found Anakin in a chair between the two cribs. He wiped a tear away from his cheek before looking to her.

"Ahsoka." He stood, his teacher voice setting in.

"Why did you have me meet you here?" She asked, "What's going on?"

"I need to tell you something." He said, wiping his sweaty palms. He was about to shatter the image Ahsoka held of her Master.

"Yes?" She urged him to continue, and he didn't have much time.

"I need you to watch these children, protect them at all costs. I know how much you think babies are cute." He said, going towards the door.

"Watch children?" She asked, confused about her task, "Not that I'm complaining but why? Whose children are these?"

"I need to go make sure their mother is okay." He explained.

"Who's their parents?" She asked again.

"(Y/N) and I." He sighed. He looked back at her face. She wasn't shocked, but knowing.

"You're not surprised?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Master, I spend more time with you than any other person. And I'm smart. I saw the way you two looked at each other, how much you talked about her, and how well you guys got along. I had everything except a verbal confirmation. If you two didn't get together I would be angry." She explained, smiling.

"I'm glad you approve." He breathed out a sigh of relief. He hated living in secret, by telling someone it felt like a relief.

"Be careful out there, Anakin. Something is happening." She warned him.

"I will, stay safe Ahsoka." Anakin smiled at his apprentice. Then he left to find  where his wife might have went.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now