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"Anakin, you don't want to do wha-" she started, then she looked at his hand. The man she loved stood before her now, ready to take her down. It shocked her body to just see what she saw.

"I'm sorry." He looked away from her. He kept trying to find air to breathe. Every time he breathed it was like acid in his lungs.

She felt disgusted. The man she did everything for. The man she fell for. Was now preparing himself to kill her. She wouldn't die now though, she had come so far, fought so hard. No, she was not going to die today.

"You don't know how powerful that I've become." She grabbed her lightsaber.

"You were powerful enough before all of this, before killing everyone who cared about you. You've changed (Y/N)! I don't even know you anymore!" He yelled, he clenched his hand tightly around the grip of his lightsaber. He didn't want to do this.

"If you aren't with me, then you're my enemy." She spat, she stared directly into him. She was.. Different. Anakin watched as he saw her eyes flick to a yellow, then back to normal. This face he saw, it was a mask. It was a mask that had been permanently attached to her face and infected her body. The darkness was running through her veins already, and he was too late to suck any of the poison out.

"I have to do this." He muttered, then his lightsaber was ignited. The only way he could save her now, was by killing the beast that took hold of her body.

Two blades ignited in a fiery blaze. The platform they stood on became their sparring ground. They had fought before, but never like this. (Y/N)'s style was different, much more aggressive and angry. She used her natural form of Vaapad, the one her old Master created to dance on the dark side. It was a form she has used since she learned it. It was a form that allowed her to use peoples weakness's against them.

But Anakin was a natural fighter. He was a master at Form 5, Djem So and Shien, which is what defeated the once Sith Apprentice Count Dooku. But what worked against the both of them was that they knew each others strengths and weaknesses. They knew everything, every move the other planned to make they knew.

Anakin knew (Y/N) had a tendency to do back flips and other agility moves. While (Y/N) knew Anakin had the liking to use brute force and his strength to gain advantage. Anakin also knew (Y/N) would try to use her favorite power of the force, and the one that came so easily to her at the beginning, the Force push. He knew this would be a problem, but Anakin was the most gifted force user of his generation, if not all time.

They worked their way through the mine, nothing majorly destroyed but their hearts.

They fought against each other, saber to saber. Then soon saber to air as they held their saber above their head. For a moment, Anakin has the upper hand. He met their sabers briefly before pushing her saber back towards her face. (Y/N) bent backwards toward the ground focusing herself towards her center to stay balanced. The saber got as close to grazing her throat. She could feel the heat and energy exuding from the saber. She yelled in pain, and Anakin snapped back. He couldn't do it. Not yet he couldn't.

She pushed him back in searing rage and in his moment of no focus.

"You won't kill me!" She yelled, there was a scratch on the back of her throat as she did that contradicted the scar that formed on her neck. Everything she felt was painful. She held him there, against the wall as he caught his breath. Before Anakin himself, felt the wall if force that held him and pushed it back.

He pushed it back far enough so that it was now between them as they fought for the upper hand. Soon enough it bounced them both back as they let go. Anakin hit back to the wall he was once held on, and (Y/N) was pushed into a control panel. The control panel let down all the shields the mine held against the hot lava.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now