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As soon as their guards left, I began my work on the handcuffs. Sliding my bobby pin into the key hole, jiggling it to hopefully click open. Then the beasts were revealed.

Three huge creatures were released from their pens. They prodded them with sticks like they had done to us. The creature assigned to Obi-Wan, which looked similar to a praying mantis, attacked one of the men who assaulted him. Which was a qualifier of their strength.

This was a fight. Some action was something I used to pray for, now I'm not so sure. But I swallowed it. I finally got my handcuffs undone.

"Don't worry, Master, I'll make sure they don't hurt (Y/N)." I heard Anakin say, Obi-Wan must've seen me begin climbing my pole.

"Looks to me like she can handle herself." Obi-Wan shouted over the crowd.

I was proud of this accomplishment, but didn't let it blind me. I stood atop the large pole, as the creature that was assigned to me approached my pole.

The disgusting thing had spider like eyes, a rat tail, and cat-like agility and body. I didn't exactly know the name of it or how to kill it, I really should have paid more attention to my Creature Studies.

The creature pounced onto the pole. The pole shook and I tried my best to grab as much of the chains as I could to hit him across the face when he came near. It didn't do much as the creatures next move was to scratch my side, ripping off part of my clothing. It took off my Jedi chest guards which left me in my ripped cream colored inner tunic, or undershirt.

This thing was starting to make me angry, and I could only hold him off for so long. Finally, I used all my force to kick him powerfully in his chest, back onto Anakin's pole and to the ground.


I looked at my other two friends still fighting with their monsters. I noticed Anakin was making progress in taming his beast instead of fighting it, smart.

Obi-Wan is more taking the run from approach. His pole was now smashed to pieces. Oh, no never mind he hit it with a spear. Holy, okay it broke the spear in half.

Then I heard the growl of my own creature, as he limps his way up. He looks at me, how are you not dead?, and I prepare myself for another blow, ready the chains. But it doesn't come, Anakin, riding his beast rammed into the side of it. Surely the creature is dead now.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Anakin yell from below me, I looked down to see him riding his beast, "Jump!"

  I figure I have little choices so I do jump onto the beasts back. Hurting my vag like heck but its better than staying up there. I grab onto Anakin's waist, holding onto him tight and kissing his cheek. Happy to finally be back with someone who makes me feel safe.

We rode to Obi-Wan as his creature was about to make a death strike towards him. He hopped onto the beast behind me. I really didn't mind this handsome men sandwich for the moment.

I looked around at the arena, and destroyer droids came rolling toward us, we looked at each other, weary about what might be next, but I felt a new presence had entered the arena. It was a familiar presence, I wasn't sure if anyone else felt it.

But once I heard the light saber I knew that we were lucky. A hundred Jedi Knights, Padawans, and Masters alike began revealing themselves in the crowds. All of them were here to fight this battle. Obi-Wan & Anakin were each handed an extra lightsaber, and then the presence I had felt grew nearer as Master Windu jumped from the viewing platform, throwing his on fire Jedi robes, and handed me a lightsaber as we dismounted Anakin's beast.

"They destroyed your light sabers to make sure you wouldn't get them if you escaped. When we're done here, you'll make a new one." He told me after I thanked him.

Then we went back to back, fighting off the droid army that came rumbling through the openings of the arena. The arena erupted in chaos, Jedi were fighting as hard as they could, the geonosian crowd were flying as far away as they could.

We stayed together, deflecting every blast at us. He could feel my frustration as I decided to use the force to fight back and push 7 of those battle droids into another large group, like they were bowling pins. I lost Master Windu when Anakin's beast, now free of his control, came running at us. We fled in different directions.

I found Anakin eventually after slicing another pathetic droid. But a super droid stood between us. It began walking toward Anakin, he was deflecting every blast but couldn't get close enough to destroy it. So from behind, I ran up and sliced it diagonally across its chest.

"Not bad." Anakin said, I rolled my eyes at him. A chariot was coming near. Anakin and I had the same look.

We pushed the Geonosis Guard who got stuck in the middle of all this and stood the chariot up as a shield for both of us to hide behind for a moment.

"So, you love me?" He smirks, referring to only moments before when I admitted to having feelings for him.

"I didn't say that!" I argued. And I didn't really, love is a very strong word.

"You're right, you said 'I have these feelings for you.' But if you read between the lines a bit-" Anakin started, but I stopped him.

"Don't read between any lines! And don't make me take it back." I shouted over the increasing fire,

"You can't do that-" again I had to stop him from talking,

"And now is really not the time for this!" I shouted after being thrown back into reality by the tons of blasters being shot at us.

I peered onto the other side, to see more battle droids approach. Where were these things coming from? Then a new door opened in front of us, revealing a new squad of them.

They began firing at us without hesitation. We were forced to retreat from our safe place. They surrounded us, pushing us all into a circle in the middle of the arena. Then they all stopped. I saw my friend, Lowan, I knelt by him to feel for his pulse, but it was barely there at all. He was a good boy, he didn't deserve this. Looking around I notice the rest of the fallen Jedi, none of them deserved this.

"Master Windu!" Count Dooku's voice booms over the silence of the last remaining Jedi of this fight. Master Plo Koon and Master Ki Adi Mundi are pushed to join us in our circle, all of us exhausted.

"You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the Jedi Records." Dooku continues, "It is over. Surrender, and your lives will be spared."

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku." Master Windu stands tall. Standing up for all the Jedi lost, and those who remain right now.

"Very well, I'm sorry, old friend." Dooku says, for a moment you see that he may still be conflicted. That this truly does pain him even in the slightest.

How could anyone do this to people they once loved?

All of the droids, held their blasters up to aim toward the last who remained. We all drew our lightsaber up in the position to deflect as many blasts as we could.

This was it, I thought, at least in this scenario I can die fighting and for something important.

Then the wind began to blow, I granted myself permission to look away from the droids who were ready to kill me, to see if what was coming could save me.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now