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The room is dark.
I hear footsteps.
My breathing is quick.
My lower abdomen hurts so much.
My legs, they feel numb.
I have a weight in my arms.
I look down to see a beautiful child.
He isn't crying.
He isn't moving.
He isn't breathing.
He is completely, and utterly still.
I need someone to help me.
He has to live, I think.
I begin to cry and scream.
Someone tell me he's alive
I need this child to live

"Master! Master, wake up!" Caleb shook my awake.

"Yes? What is this issue?" I asked, reaching for my lightsabers.

"Nothing, you were just screaming." He said. I sat up in my bunk.

"I'm sorry, bad dream." I said, remembering the horrific image. I grasped my stomach tight. "How long have I been asleep?"

"About a half an hour. You seemed like you needed it. I thought Jedi don't have nightmares." Caleb crossed his arms.

"I'm a Jedi, but I'm also a human being. You are too, you'll soon learn that sometimes being a Jedi doesn't exclude you from natural ways. It's how you handle them that makes you a Jedi." I told him, "Now go back to sleep. I apologize for my screaming, it won't happen again."

He then went back to the main hangar. I stared out the window at the stars. We were on our cruiser in the outer rim. As far as I know, I've been pregnant 5 weeks. You can't even tell. I'll have some time before anyone can tell I'm gaining weight. And if I stay out of Coruscant, my secret will be kept even longer.

Right now, our fleet is responding to a distress signal from a Republic cruiser in the outer rim. Caleb and I are in the lead cruiser. Followed by aid ships and transports for survivors as well as battle ships in case of attack.

I saw no Separatists ships, I went to the bridge, ridding my mind of the images in my dreams. It felt so real.

"Admiral, are we picking up any Separatist ships?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not. Whatever attack this was it was on the inside. But we've been able to make contact with the escape pods. They come from the Star Destroyer Endurance." Admiral Tarkin explained.

"I see, where is the Destroyer?" I asked, "Were there any Jedi Generals aboard?" I asked.

"There is a faint signal of it entering Vanqors surface. But then the signal disappears when it enters the atmosphere." He tells me, "According to our records, Jedi Generals Skywalker and Windu were aboard."

"Were they able to evacuate?" I asked, my heart sinking.

"I don't know, General (Y/L/N). They haven't checked in since the crash. Ask the survivors. We're reeling in a pod now." He rolled his eyes at me. I never really was fond of him.

I ran as fast as I could to the main hangar. I found Caleb there talking to one of the new troopers. I believe his name was Stance.

"Have the survivors been greeted?" I asked them.

"No, not yet, Sir." Stance reported.

"Thank you, Stance, correct? You may stand down. Can you take me to them?" I asked.

He nodded and guided me to the pod being unloaded. I saw men I recognized from the 501st, Anakin's squadron.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now