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We stuck to our original plan. We met inside the officiants apartment in the middle of town. I went into his bathroom to change into the dress I borrowed from Padmé. I stared at myself in the mirror. I knew the dress didn't matter. I was feeling so many things. Palpatine before has told me before that my emotions are what make me special. But everyone around me tells me different things, it's confusing.

I was scared about taking this step forward, letting him fully in, but I know I love him. I love us. I'd do anything for him. Obi-Wan can protect us as much as he can. I figure why the hell not at this point. I figure I might as well stop messing around and go for it. Making Anakin happy is what I want. I want Anakin.

I adjusted my hair best I could and exited the bathroom. Anakin was there talking to the man. He was a friend of my mothers before. He had such a high respect for her, thankfully that transferred over to me. He's keeping this a secret, he has actually no idea who Anakin is, I can only hope it stays that way. We both had our Astromech droids here too, Anakin and R2-D2, and my own (Y/F/C) R2 unit. He said he'd heard of his name, that maybe he was an entertainer. We let him think that.

"Oh, (Y/N). You look beautiful." Andronic said. The small Rhodian man elbowed Anakin to turn around, "You are a lucky man!"

"You bet I am." Anakin saw me, and walked to me, "You know, you should wear dresses more often.

"Yeah? I'm sure the council would love that." I laughed as he grabbed my hands.

"Yeah, maybe you should just keep this for me." He winked.

"You got it." I went to kiss him but Andronic put his hand between us,

"No, no, no kissing until you're married, it'll ruin the ceremony." He told us, he ushered the two of us to his balcony.

From there we could see the entire glowing city. There was a a plastic like sheet covering and reflecting off the sun so no one could see in, concealing our identities. All of this would be worth it.

We were married as the sun began to set on the warm evening. The city began to glow and the light lit up our faces. I only remember staring into my beloveds eyes, holding his hand as I began my vows.

I remember stuttering so much as I told him how I began to love him. How I know my love for him will never end. No matter what happens I would never stop loving him. I know that we would never truly be separated. I told him how he made me feel: amazing, fragile, strong, the person I've always wanted to be. How no matter how many reservations I have, how many secrets I thought I needed to keep, how scared I was of my emotions, that I will never again allow it to get in between us. And with that I'd always try to make him happy, I'd never ever hurt him. That I love him.

I stopped and placed my own charm on his neck, slipping it under his shirt. I made it out of a small piece of wood that fell from a tree in the garden.

He then told me his vows how he always knew that one day I'd be his. That as we grew closer he knew unless he had me he'd never be happy. That every day he would do everything he could to make sure I felt as happy as he does right now. He told me how beautiful I was. How every part of me that he could tell I didn't like, he loved. He talked of the first few nights we spent together, and how just talking for hours seemed to be the best possible thing. How he never wanted to ever stop talking to me, he never wanted to lose me. That I was his home.

He then added another charm to my necklace, a small rock that he said he found on his last mission. It was shiny and beautiful and completely clear.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now