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I went in first to check if Obi-Wans distraction was successful in distracting the droids. I ran down the far sides and around the corner.

"It's all clear!" I said, coming back to them.

"Looks like Obi-Wan's distraction worked." Anakin was pleased.

"Close the wall again, hopefully we have some time before they figure out we're in here." I pointed to the slab of concrete we cut out.

They did as I said and we were now all walking towards our pick up point. Anakin and I stayed at the front of the group, I checked behind to see the troopers stayed at least 10 feet behind us.

"Good fighting on the detention level." I smiled at him. I was so happy to see him.

"I did miss my lightsaber." He chuckled. "This whole plan, was it your idea?"

"Mine and Obi-Wan's." I said.

"For a time I thought you guys wouldn't come." He sighed.

"Wouldn't come? Of course, I'd come." I nudged him.

"Yeah, well with how we left things on Onderon and the fact no one has ever broken into the Citadel- ever- I thought-" he was babbling.

"You think too much." I shook my head, "I hated how we left things, too. That's why the moment you were taken on Vanqor I got in my fighter and almost got myself killed following the Separatist fleet." I laughed at my own stupidity.

"Well that's stupid." He looked at me strange.

"Nothing you wouldn't have done." I returned his look.

"I need to stop doing dumb things so you and Ahsoka can stop saying that to me." He laughed.

"Sounds like you learned responsibility." I rose a brow.

"The force knows I've got too much of that." He rolled his eyes. Oh if he only knew what other responsibility he was going to have soon.

I wanted to tell him so bad. I wanted to be so excited about having a family with him. But we haven't been alone since I found out. I can't do that to him yet, we both just need to focus on the mission right now.

We continued our way through the tunnels. The rock like walls were very inconsistent. I hated how at points they were loose and others they were solid. The lava that was a mile below us to catch our fall wasn't comforting at all either.

"Are you okay?" Anakin asked me as we had to jump over a missing section of the trail.

"Yes, I'm alright." I said, recovering from my jump. I held onto my stomach to make sure everything was safe there.

"So, now do you wanna update me on why you let Ahsoka come here?" He said, his voice hostile.

"I didn't let her- ugh!" I smacked myself, "I told her and Caleb specifically that they weren't allowed to come on this one, that it was far too dangerous." I told him.

"Caleb's not here too, is he?" Anakin looked back at me.

"No, he actually listened to me. Ahsoka froze herself in carbon to join us, even after I gave her specific orders not to." I ranted, "And her excuse was that Master Plo assigned her here, but why would he do that without telling me or Obi-Wan! Then she even pulled out the fact that we never follow direct orders." I rolled my eyes.

"She is one of a kind." He shook his head.

"Let's just hope we can get everyone out of here." I said. I looked around at the tunnels and tried to find a more optimistic view of the situation.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu