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"Look out!" I push Anakin to the side and watch the shot fly between us.

I pull out my lightsaber as more shots begin to fly towards me and Anakin. I watch the figure run through the large ventilation system while still using their blaster recklessly.

  Finally he runs out of the vents of this room to go the next. I'm about to race after him when I think that another might be waiting to strike on Anakin alone. I grab his hand and begin running to the room the figure may have went to.

"Why are you holding my hand?" He asks trying to pull it away, "Why are we even running?"

"Sorry," I drop it, running through the halls looking in the vents. "I want to know who this is and who sent them!"

"They may have gone the other way." He responds calmly compared to my reaction.

"I'm going into the vents. Run and find Captain Typho, be on alert. Tell Typho they're in the vents and that I need him to lock everything down with men by every exit of the vents, keep your lightsaber close." I talk quickly, forcing away the lid of the vent. He stops my arm in my preparation of the jump.

"You can't take that guy on by yourself-"

"With all due respect, Skywalker, you don't have much say in this matter. I was a strong Padawan, once. I can do this. This is my mission, my mission is to protect you. And that's what I'm doing." I shrug his hand off and climb into the vents. I decide to go the way the shooter went first.

I crawled through many corridors. The corridors are large enough for me to crouch through without much trouble, easy enough for an assassin to run around. Searching for any kind of sign. I pull out my comlink to transmit to Captain Typho to make sure Anakin told him to lock down all the exits and guard all the vented rooms.

"We're on it, (Y/N)." He salutes, before the transmission ends a blaster is shot just next to my head.  I turn around and lean around the corner, getting my lightsaber ready. I could see a room was below us. I waited for whoever it was to come to me.

I waited and heard as the foot steps drew closer. Once they were right by the corner I ignited my lightsaber and struck the vent door. I grabbed the criminal by the ankle and pulled them with me into the room. They grunted as I leveled the playing field.

Luckily there were two of Naboo security waiting on the other side. I had my lightsaber drawn. By the time they had even rolled over. The others of the security team assumed position on him.

"You're under arrest for attempted murder of Anakin Skywalker." One of the men shout.

I finally get a good look at the slime ball. He's none other than the notorious Cad Bane.

"I don't think so." He looks up from behind his hat. He brings out two blasters and shoot the two men. I bring out my lightsaber as he continuously shoots at me. Keeping my defenses up. He keeps backing up into the door and he opens the door and runs out. I run  after him.

When he turns a corner and I follow I'm met with a punch in the face. I kick him back but it's aimless as the first one really packed a lot of strength. He punches me a few more times which makes me more and more fuzzed and delirious. My attempts to punch and kick growing weaker with the growing strength of him. Then takes my hands and puts cuffs around my wrists.

"Who said I was looking for Skywalker?" He chuckles.

"Give it up, Bane. You're plan isn't going to work." I mutter out of pain. Trying to kick back at him or at least feel the force to use it in some way.

"Hey, Bane! I heard you were looking for me?" I heard Anakin's voice down the hall,

"Anakin! Get out of here!" I yell, immediately.

"You heard wrong, Skywalker." Bane growled. Anakin charged at him.

That was the last thing I remember. Bane must've stunned me with a stun gun, I was completely delirious and put to sleep. When I woke up I was in the back of a ship, my hands and feet tied up. I felt a pounding in my head and body. Well, this can't be good sign.

It was soon after I woke up that the grand Cad Bane appeared before me again.

"It really was too easy." He laughed,

"Why?" I ask him. He comes close to my face and touches it, I spit in his face.

"Really, if I wasn't supposed to deliver you alive I would have killed you. Consider it a luxury."  he wipes it away. " Listen, I'm not involved in this. I'm only here for a job, this is a revenge mission for one of your enemies. I suppose you must be familiar the killer of Senator Amidala?" He smirked.

I felt so much anger only at the mention of it. In my head I wanted to fight him so bad. I could slice his smirk right off his smug face.

"I'll take that as a yes.." He smiles, I say nothing to him. Just then the ship shook and beeps and red lights began blaring. "This isn't over!" Bane yells in frustration.

The doors shut and I have no choice but to hope the ship won't blow and that someone might save me from this guy. Or if I can find a way out myself...

I relax my muscles, and focus on what could rip the cables that bound me. I notice I'm in a storage room, filled with random boxes and pillars. One of the pillars are unfinished, I try to slowly rip the cables on one of them, but as I hear the increasing gun fire I decided it would take up too much time. I notice a box filled with different weapons, I close my eyes to channel enough force to my body to slide the box close enough to me to lift myself up to grab a blaster. I point it to cut through the cables.

After untying myself, I use a Jedi trick to open the doors of the storage unit to reveal the long hallway of the ship. Keeping the blaster in hand I make my way to the cockpit where I see Bane trying to move the different ways to avoid the beams.

"It's over, Bane." I say, holding my blaster to the back of his head. Slowly he lifts his hands up.

"You won't shoot me.." He growls, "It's not the 'Jedi way'" Suddenly he grabs the blaster and twists my wrist back to myself. I just need to fight him long enough for them to pull Bane's ship in. So I fight with him, he throws missing punches at me, and I'm flown back to the wall, but not in a fun way this time.

I drag him to the ground and punch the sides of his ribs, he turns us over but before he's able to hit me I kick his stomach which flies him back to the back wall. He groans in pain, holding his stomach.

I look up to the front windows, lucky to see that they've taken hold of the ship. I find my comlink, I push the button,

"Skywalker?" I ask, "Anakin, can you hear me?"

"I'm here, (Y/N). What's going on?" He asks back urgently.

"I just disarmed Bane enough to take over the ship." I say, taking over the wheel, "You've got hold of us now, right?"

"Right." I confirm. "Then I'll see you in a little bit." I huff out a sigh of release.

Then the connection is cut off.

Underestimate Me ⇝ anakin skywalker x reader {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now