Chapter 3

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The smell of beef smeared the atmosphere with delightful aromas, struggling stomachs and drooling tongues. Everyone who were still sleeping surely woke up by the scent now. Seokjin hyung was always one to wake up early out of all seven of us, especially in the morning. I don't know why, though. I guess his role and responsibility as the mother of six and chef of the household held no sleep for the multitask-oriented hyung.

Jin inhaled a good amount of air, "Yo, you hungry shits, breakfast is ready. Get up or I'll kick all of your asses off your mattresses!", he shouted.

The loud shuffling of feet on tiled floors was heard. It was as if a herd of cows stampeded amongst others, fighting for prey whilst I stayed there dead on my bed, staring at the endless ceilings. I couldn't sleep properly last night since I've been longing for Yoongi hyung to be by my side because it didn't feel right without him. I bear with the noises of Jin hyung pounding on my door, anticipating to kick the shit out of my ass as he said he would.

"I'm not that hungry, I'll eat later. Tell the guys to eat without me" I insisted but I know Jin hyung would be persistent on pushing food into me even if it mean kicking my jibooty.

"You always say that, Jiminie. We have practices coming up and you need fuel, you asshole." Seokjin hyung said through the thick wood of the door. I didn't want to eat and doing so would mean gaining more weight than the one I have now. I exclaimed another disagreement until Jin hyung finally puts down the argument. Finally. I heard Namjoon hyung telling Jin hyung to just eat.

We are all basically unemployed. Does doing dance covers on YouTube counted as a job? But yeah we do that. We got a good amount of followers to get money from. Ads, Patreon; We used them to get money to sustain our life. Our house may seemed crowded for seven guys to live in, but we're at least happy doing what we want to do.

Back to Namjin story: They're both so sweet to each other, why can't Yoongi be somewhat like Namjoon is to Jin towards me. I pouted at the thought and hugged my pillow. I slept through two hours and finally woke up when the skies just at the alternate side of my window was orange enough.

I smelled an aroma in my room, other than the metallic odour of the air conditioner. It was a plate at my bedside table. A particular note was written beside the carrots and peas:

Yoongi -
Don't starve yourself, kid, it's not healthy. Here, at least have some vegetables - something to keep you up and about while we practice.

And beside that note was another written in poor handwriting:

Taehyung -
When are you going to tell
him that you love him?

I smiled to myself at Taehyung's consideration and thoughtfulness, as well as Yoongi's. I say to myself as inaudibly as possible,

"I'll tell him I love him when I'm ready"


° softie edited

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