Chapter 17

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"Ahh! Fuck me deeper.. Ahh!"

"Yes you tight.. Shit"

Yoongi covers both of Jimin's ears. "Can't they keep their voice down? Jesus Christ", grunts Yoongi. Namjoon chuckled, "Trust me, Jin is like.. The loudest here". Jin blushes hard. He hits Namjoon's chest before he responds, "You're the one who is too hard okay!"

"But you keep begging me to go harder harder", Namjoon imitated Jin's lewd moans. "Namjoon!", Jin hits the younger's on his chest harder than earlier, "It was in the script okay".

Yoongi shake his head while Jimin covers his cheeks with his small hands, blushing. He isn't used to such public sex talk. "Babe, you shouldn't be like them, okay?", Yoongi warned while ruffling his boyfriend's soft blonde hair. "Okay", Jimin replied shyly.

After a while walking through the company, "Here", Jin entered a room followed by Namjoon. Yoongi tighten his grip on Jimin's hand before he enters the same room, dragging Jimin along. "Bang PDnim, these are the gay daddy kinks couple that was featured in the video that was showed you the video yesterday", Jin started, pointing to both Yoongi and Jimin.

"Oh!", a healthy, happy looking guy stands up from his comfortable seat. He walks towards Yoongi and smiles. "So.. You're the daddy, am I right?", the guy extends his arm to Yoongi, grinning. "Err.. Yes..?", Yoongi awkwardly shakes hand with the guy. The guy laughed, "I'm Bang PDnim and you don't need to be shy or whatsoever because this is a porn company alright", Bang PDnim spreads his arms proudly. "Uhh.. Okay..?", Yoongi shrugged, glancing at Jimin who's still in his awkward state.

"Chill bro. Chill", Namjoon pats Yoongi's back. "Newcomers", Namjoon added. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Whatever, just get this over with please". Jimin gave Namjoon the judging stare before pulling Namjoon's hand off his boyfriend. Bang PDnim chuckled "So, yeah.. Mr Min and Mr Park, you two are going to be following a camp that will be held tomorrow in Daegu".

"Yes, Daegu bij- Oh sorry sorry", Yoongi looks down, embarrassed by his manner as ppl say the name of his hometown. Bang PDnim laughed at Yoongi's reflex action, amused. "So yeah. These are the pass..", he hands two tickets to Yoongi, "And this is the pamphlet". Jimin takes the pamphlet from Bang PDnim's big hand, "Thank you", he bowed a little. Bang PDnim snickered, "Such a cute bottom". Yoongi gives Bang PDnim a death glare because of the compliment he gave to his beloved boyfriend. "Okay okay, sorry", Bang PDnim raises both of his hands, "Possesive much?"

Yoongi hugs Jimin, "Being possesive at my own boyfriend isn't really a big matters", he answered. Jimin blushed slightly, "Yoongi!", he softly hits Yoongi's hand.

"Cute couple. But being in this company, it'll be hard to maintain your relationship. Regardless, I hope you will stay strong together", Bang PDnim wisely preached. "Oh.. okay", yoongi nods. He do hope he can maintain their relationship since this kind of job usually fuck any kind of bonds people have.

"So, I'm looking forward for your performance at the camp. That's all for today. Finish the camp tomorrow and only after that, you can start working", Bang PDnim rested the case.

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