Chapter 31

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"What the flip am I witnessing now?", Jimin blinks his eyes several times, "No way..", Jimin took a few steps backwards, eyes still glued on his boyfriend kissing someone else other than him.

He accidentally bumped onto some chairs and tables. Then he falls down, making some noises that was loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear it.

After Yoongi parts the kiss, he turned his attention towards the noise. His eyes meet Jimin's quivering ones. His heart skipped a beat; he somehow knew this would happen since god hates him so bad. He quickly lifts his ass off the chair he was sitting on, "Jiminie.. I can explaiㅡ"

"Go away!", Jimin stands up from the cold floor and quickly runs out of the restaurant while accompanied by some quiet sobs.

Yoongi runs out the restaurant, chasing his crying boyfriend and being aware, Hyun chases Jimin too since he knew that he was the cause of the problem. He knew that he've fucked up.

"Jimin, wait! I can explain!", Yoongi shouted while panting, legs still chasing Jimin's fast steps. He's not that fast at running but Jimin is totally athletic. However, he would chase the blonde boy until his legs give up and he would do anything to catch up to the boy.

"I saw you pulled his face towards yours!", Jimin wipes his tears using the sweater paws of his long sleeved black hoodie while still running and sobbing. Yoongi grunts, angry with himself. "But.. Baby! I swear to god..".

"I saw it, Yoongi! I don't need any explai-", Jimin tripped, falls down terribly onto the hard ground. Yoongi's eyes widen, "Jesus, Jimin!", he quickly runs towards the younger, seeing the younger hisses in pain.

"Oh god..", Hyun arrived next to Yoongi, panting. "This is all because of you.. You fucker", Yoongi growled, glaring at the brunette.

"I d-don't know..", Hyun sobbed before he squats down to Jimin's eyes level. He examined Jimin's arms, "Christ.. You're bleeding!", he exclaimed.

Without any words expressed, Yoongi quickly takes the sobbing blonde boy up into his arms before walking towards a clinic that he knows nearby, followed by the guilty brunette. Jimin is somehow heavier than him but that doesn't effect the fact that the younger is now in pain.

"Let me go..", Jimin whined, weakly punches Yoongi's chest. Yoongi continues to walk. He took a mental note about the place he parked his car before near the restaurant he ate at. Between the distance of his car and the clinic from the place he is at right now, he's closer to the clinic so he doesn't want to waste any seconds. "I know what I'm doing, baby", Yoongi sighed, "The thing between me and Hyun is just a misunderstanding.."

Jimin squirmed a little but stay quiet. He doesn't want to argue anymore with the blue haired boy that he loves. It's not that he's just jealous since he is always jealous with those people who've been partnered with his boyfriend. He's much more than that jealous right now. The scene he has witnessed before wasn't an act; it made his heart stings. This is the real jealousy and he has never felt that before.

Yoongi looks down to Jimin's face; the blonde is pouting. He knew he have to say something to clear the mess up but he doesn't know how to put it in words that would make Jimin understand him. He hummed while looking away, "Hyun.. have a boyfriend already. He is just my past and you are my present. You'll be my forever. Uhh..", Yoongi scrunched his face up. "He can't get the memories of his with me.. Umm, Out of his mind, because I'm his first love.", Yoongi paused as he don't know what else to say, "Okay, bla bla bla.. There's actually nothing..", Yoongi lazily explained.

Jimin covers his face with his sweater paws, "Why.. The kiss?", he asked. He doesn't think it's necessary to do that act.

"I-it's my request. I just, trapped in the past memories and I was trying to get over it. I'm so sorry, I don't mean to make you sad.. Or jealous", Hyun speaked up between a couple of quiet sobs, "It's all my fault.."

Jimin tilts his head to Hyun who is softly weeping. "Oh, don't cry. I-it's okay..", Jimin pasted a sincere smile on his face. His smiles has always been a good healer to sad people.

"No. I'm just a shit uh.. Why am I even here?", Hyun stopped his steps, "Bye..". He walks away in the opposite direction, leaving the couple alone. Hyun can really see how in love Yoongi is with Jimin so he doesn't want to see more. It just hurts him deeper than he had been.

"Hyun!", Jimin wriggled his body, releasing himself from Yoongi's arm, knowing the older has been tired. He chased after the brunette, "Don't be sad. It's okay.. You can come with us!"

Hyun wipes his tears and smile, "Really?", he looked up to Yoongi's face, meeting the older's eyes for a second. Yoongi quickly run his eyes away from the brunette's direction. Hyun sighed, "It's okay. Thanks for the invitation but I don't think Yoongi hyung would like it", he faked a smile. "No no. Hyung wouldn't be mad at you. I'm here", Jimin grinned. He's not the type of guy who would treat others in a negative way even it's his enemy. He's just a fairy in and out.

Hyun stares into Jimin's pretty eyes before giving up, "Okay, I guess. Just to the clinic because I feel guilty about your cuts. It's still bleeding tho, are you okay?". Jimin laughed, "I'm a big boy, okay. I can handle this much of pain. I'm not a coward to tiny cuts like this". Yoongi cleared his throat, "You still need to go to the clinic. Let's go", the older continues his steps, not caring about the two younger guys. He seemed lazy and tired and he is indeed lazy and tired at this moment. However, he is glad that the misunderstanding sorted out better than he expected. It's nice having a fairy as a lover.

Jimin walked with a faster pace to keep up with his boyfriend. He raised both of his eyebrows before saying, "But don't try to flirt with hyung or kiss him. Ever again", Jimin fakes a glare at Hyun before ends giggling.

Yoongi chuckles, "Are you still jealous, baby?"

"Yes of course! Daddy Yoongi is only mine!", Jimin exclaimed in a whisper, close to Yoongi's ear making the older bites his bottom lip.

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