Chapter 12

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"Babe give me a lap dance once we are home"

Jimin choked on his milk. "Pardon?", he inquired between his choughs. They were window shopping when Yoongi suddenly demanded an out of the world service from his boyfriend. Yoongi laughed before repeating his words, "Give me a lap dance once we are home soon", emphasizing on the words lap and dance. Jimin once again choked on the milk he's trying to drink peacefully. He coughed before exclaiming in low voices, "We are still in the public eyes! The fuck, hyung", he looked around trying to see if anyone actually heard what the older has said before. He let out a long sigh of relief after he confirmed that no one heard their conversation.

Long story short, they're now inside the car, buckling up their seatbelts because safety always come first. Yoongi turned on the radio which has been connected to his aux cable, playing some new songs in his playlist which are mostly from the new Xxxtentacion album. Yoongi has been obsessed with it since it was released. Especially the songs Sad! and Moonlight. He bounces his head along to the music while driving safely. In the other hand, we got Jimin who still can't stop blushing since he got the demand from his boyfriend before. Lap dance? He doesn't really have trouble doing so since he got good amount of ass to use but doing to Yoongi? Jimin covered his flustered face while screaming mentally to himself.

"Babe?", Yoongi called out, eyes still looking at the road. Jimin hummed cutely as a response, making Yoongi squealed to himself inside. "Just sleep if youre tired", he suggested. Jimin pouted, "I want to keep you accompanied..", he whined. Yoongi awed, "It's okay babe. Just sleep since you'll have a practice with Hoseok and Jungkook tomorrow for the extra video, right?", he raised both of his eyebrows trying to convince the younger to take a nap even though his eyes are still pinned to the road. Safety is always number one.

"Hmm..", Jimin turned his head towards Yoongi, "If you insist, okay then". He lifted his ass, reaching for a pillow at the backseats of the car. Yoongi chuckled before landing a slap on the plump ass next to him, making Jimin shouted out a syllable which sounded like a moan. After he secured his objective, he rested his ass back on the comfortable cushion of the passenger seat. "Daddy, don't do that to me again or I will bite your ear off", he warned, pouting. "Okay, angry baby boy", Yoongi smiled to himself, inhaling the adorableness of his boyfriend. Jimin flashed a smile to Yoongi before driving himself to sleep.



Jimin squirmed a bit, still in his daydream. Yoongi let out a chuckle before ruffling Jimin's soft brown locks, "Wake up, my calico cat". Jimin slowly opens his eyes, "What?", he inquired, still being blurred about the current situation. "Babe, we are home", Yoongi ruffles Jimin's fragrant hair, smiling to the younger's cuteness. "Uh?", Jimin rubbed his eyes, "Home? Uh.. Okay..". He arched his back, stretching his muscles. However, he only struggled in his seat before falling asleep again.

Yoongi stared at the younger who is still sleepy. He sighed but still smiling. He walked out the car and took Jimin out the passenger seat. He hugs Jimin tightly, wrapping Jimin's legs around his waist. He grabbed Jimin's fine ass to make his secure his grip on the younger so that Jimin won't fall. "You're losing weight Jiminie I swear to god..", Yoongi grunted, hugging Jimin closer before shutting the door and lock the car.

"Oh, what has you done to him Yoongay hyung?!", exclaimed Jungkook who has Taehyung sleeping on his lap. "Hyung, what's up with Jiminie?", Hoseok came out of nowhere, along with a question. "He's sleeping", Yoongi answered, half-assed.
"You two look so cute", Jin looked over the kitchen's window, grinning. "Yeah, you too", Yoongi pouted towards Namjoon in the kitchen who's helping the oldest member to prepare some meal, making Jin slapped Namjoon softly because he's flustered.

Jungkook shakes Taehyung's body, trying to wake him up. "Taehyung, do that to me too!", the youngest say while pointing at Yoongi as soon as the boy on his lap opens his eyes. Taehyung rubbed his eyes, "Is he sleeping or pretending to? I can see he is smiling", he pointed out. "What, really?", Yoongi tilts his head looking at Jimin's face. Jimin giggled softly, "Am i busted already? God damn it Taehyung". "Ahh, this cutie..", Yoongi chuckled before walking to his room with Jimin still in his arms.

He shuts the door behind him and lock it. The atmosphere in the room became sexually tensed as he throws Jimin on the bed. "Well well babyboy.. You've been naughty. Making me carry you up when you're actually awake", Yoongi scoffed. Jimin giggles before answering, "I like it when daddy holds me up!". "Oh really?", Yoongi let out a small laughs before crossing both of his arms. "You wanted a.. lap dance. Right?", Jimin looks up at Yoongi with his innocent doe eyes.

"Oh, yes. Thanks for the reminder", Yoongi pulls a chair nearby before he sits on it, "Now work that ass".

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