Chapter 19

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"Welcome to the 5th porn camp, amateurs!"

Everybody applaud while Yoongi crossed both his arms. He proceeds to scan through the participants, estimating them all to be about 55 to 60 people. They're all currently sitting on the ground, forming a U in front of the small stage. Except for Yoongi who is currently in a sleeping position with his head on one of Jimin's comfortable meaty thighs. Yoongi doesn't even care about some people who are looking in his way while pointing at him. However, after a while being pointed at, Yoongi flashed his middle finger before he places Jimin's hand on his face; blocking out the haters.

The host continues to babble, "So today you're going to do some activities like those that were informed in the pamphlet and yeah I know, I know. All of you are excited for the activities right? But first, let's do some ice breaking". Some of the participants started to talk among themselves. "You all will be seperated into several groups. It doesn't matter if you'll get to be in a group with your friends or not. It's depends because this is just our random picks", the host showed a paper which Yoongi obviously can't see. The crowds became louder. Some worried if they will be paired with other people that they don't know and some are just simply happy to make new friends.

"So members in the first group are.."

"I hope we'll be in the same group, da- I mean, hyung", Jimin immediately covers his mouth. "It's okay, babe. Just call me daddy. Most of the people here call their partner with nicknames so yeah", Yoongi planted a chaste kiss on Jimin's hand. "Just admit that you like it when I call you daddy, hyung", Jimin giggled.

"You already know it, right", Yoongi chuckled. Jimin cups Yoongi's face, "I know it indeed, daddy", he said while staring into the older's eyes. "I love you", Yoongi beamed making Jimin replies while grinning, "I love you more".

"ㅡYoongay, Wonhoe and Bamdick are in group 6"

Yoongi's eyes widen, "What?!". He was distracted by their lovey dovey moments when his name was announced. He raised his body up from Jimin's lap, with his hand up, "Is Jimin also in group 6?". "Jimin?", the host raised one of his eyebrows, confused. Yoongi sighed heavily before rolling his eyes, "Jibooty.."

"Oh, wait", the host paused to look through a name list, "Sheㅡ Oh I mean he, isn't in group 6". "What the.. Put hiㅡ", "Ahh, boy. We can't do that. We have decided so just sit in your group", the host cuts. Yoongi grunts and crosses his arms. Jimin looks up to his boyfriend and pouts, "It's.. It's okay I guess. This is just some random groupings. You are still mine and I'm still yours..", he softly pinches the older's cheeks. Yoongi smiles, "I trust you, baby..", he pecked Jimin's lips.

"ㅡJibooty, Hyunslut, Jinhoe and Tamponie are in group 9"

Jimin looks around to search for his group members. Yoongi hugs him tightly, "You're in group 9. It's so far away from mine", Yoongi softly carressed Jimin's blonde hair. "It's not that far away and we still have a room to ourselves, okay?", Jimin chuckled cutely, covering his mouth. "Fine..", Yoongi sighed, "Don't look at other guys the way you look at me". Jimin nods, "okay!"

"So, please get into the group that I've distributed just now", the host extended one of his arm, "From this side, group one, two, three and so on". All the participants scattered, walking towards their group's spot.

Yoongi kissed his boyfriend goodbye before walking towards his group. He stands alone at first, "Fucking slowpokes", he muttered under his breath. After some moments, his group members are coming to the same spot as him. Yoongi keeps his lips sealed while staring at Jimin. The blonde looks clueless and innocent, looking at every members in his group shyly, keeping himself quiet.

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