Chapter Two

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Three days went by farely quickly. First Logan told me and then by the next day, my father hired a dress maker and I did my fittings. By the second day, caterers were hired as well as preparations in the garden where I was going to get married was on going. And now, by the third day, I sit in front of a mirror, my mother's hands interwoven in my hair as she styles it.

"You'll be married in less than an hour." My mother says looking at me through the mirror.

"Yes." I look down.

"Are you happy?"


"Are you sure?"

"Mom I'm not having second thoughts if that's what you're fishing for." I say looking into the mirror, my grey eyes meeting her piercing blue ones.

"Okay." She puts the last silver broach on my hair after holding my bun carefully in place and then says "You can wear your dress now. I will leave you to it."

She closes the door and I go toward my bed, looking critically at my wedding dress wondering if it will be itchy. I quickly put it on and its a perfect fit.

The dress it long and falls to the floor. I stare into the full length mirror and notice the short sleeve of the dress and the way it is tightly fitted around my slim waist. I look set, all that's left is the veil which Olivia is supposed to bring.

Scarletta growls within me, angry I am going through with this wedding. I feel her annoyed about my wedding dress and I realise that if I am to run in it now, I would trip: it is just too long.

"Lorena here is your veil." Olivia says behind me, startling me. I turn around and she motions for me to sit so she can place it on my head.

Olivia is beautiful no doubt with her full head of red hair and outstanding green eyes set on her finely chiseled face. She is also very tall with a slim figure. The yellow dress she puts on now complements her perfectly especially with her hair left to fall, just like Rionna, her sister.

"You look beautiful." She says after carefully pinning the veil to my head.

"Thank you. Too bad you will never get the opportunity to look like a bride Olivia." She quickly takes her hands off my head.

"It's been a year Lorena, a year. When will you move on and realise that putting the past behind you is always better than holding on to things?" She says looking down as I turn my head toward her.

"You know Olivia, you may look like her but you aren't her! No matter how you try, you aren't her! Stop forgetting that." Olivia looks like she is about to cry but then brushes the look off her face and rushes out the door.

A part of me feels guilty for what I said to Olivia but another part of me feels no remorse whatsoever. I don't think I will ever feel remorse when it comes to that girl!


"It's time." My mother says handing my bouquet over to me. She gently touch my face and hugs me before whispering "my baby's getting married." And releasing me.

My brother comes close to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. He may be annoying sometimes but we love each other.

"Where's dad?" I ask no one in particular "He is supposed to walk me down the aisle."

I watch Leroy's body tense up and I realise that something is off.

"Answer me!" I yell.

"He had Alpha duties to take care of." Leroy begins before adding "He asked me to walk you down the aisle."

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