Chapter Three

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Scarletta screams in happiness within me and I just stare at this man, my mate. He is extremely handsome with hazel hair and light brown eyes which are deeply set. He stares at the other wolf most likely talking to him through the mind link before looking back at me.

"Shift!" He says, yelling at me. I don't move.

"Our mate told you to shift! Don't disobey him!" Scarletta growls within me at my refusal to shift.

"No way Scarletta! Mate or not, I'm not going to let him and the other guys see me naked once I shift so quiet down! I'm not shifting!" She growls in surrender and cuts off her connection with me.

"I said shift!" My mate yells again, this time with more ferocity but I just look at him. His black t-shirt tight around his upper body.

I growl and he looks around, a look of understanding crosses his face then yells "Roger get a thick cloth. Now!"

The wolf that was previously on top of me trying to kill me runs away so fast you would think the words of this man, my mate was chasing him.

"I can't wait for you to shift." He says looking back at me and furrowing his brows "I'm dying to see the face of the foolish girl who dared to cross into my territory!"

At his words I realise that this man is the Alpha! The Alpha is my mate! The man I came here to see! The man that took my father! This man is my mate! I feel angry at this thought. He may be my mate but I can't wait to punch him in the face!

The wolf I now know as Roger comes back with a red and black striped cloth and gives it to his Alpha then runs back in the opposite direction.

"Here!" He tosses the cloth over to me and it lands on me "Now, go behind the tree and shift!" He says.

I take the cloth between my teeth and go behind the closest tree. I shift and tie the cloth around myself tightly, using one of my hands to hold on to the cloth on my body for extra support. I notice that the necklace is still on my neck. It didn't rip during my shift.

"What is taking you so long?" I hear him yell.

"You know, patience is said to be a virtue." I say coming out from behind the tree.

I see him look at me critically from head to toe, my fragile body flinching under his intense gaze. I look down and feel my long brown hair fall all over my face.

"You know I would have thought that the girl who caused so much rukus would look different." He comes closer to me until only a little gap is left between us. I look up at him and he brushes my hair away from my eyes, sending tingles all over my body "I can't believe that not less than ten males in my pack were beaten by a mere girl." He huffs obviously in anger.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" I raise my voice.

"Quiet down little wolf! I know we're mates but don't raise your voice at me!" He says in a tone that is near deadly.

"Mates or not! We need to talk!"

"Hey! I initiate the conversation here! I'm the Alpha here and you're the intruder on my territory!" He moves towards me and I move backward, pushing back against the tree. "Anyway, first things first. What is your name?"

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