Chapter Sixteen

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Heads up though, this chapter is definitely not for the faint hearted... Crazy stuff coming up. Okay, now enjoy!..

"WHAT?" That is the only word that can make its way out of my mouth as I stare at Olivia whose hateful gaze doesn't waver, aghast. What?

"You heard me the first time." She says in a detached manner, obviously not in the mood to repeat herself as her eyes move over my body, the hateful gaze never once changing but she repeats herself anyway "Logan wants you or everyone dies. He will kill everyone near and dear to you."

"Logan wouldn't do that.." I say more to myself than her as I look away from those scrutinizing green eyes "No, Logan wouldn't kill anyone! Not on purpose!" I say with conviction as I look back at her. She just lets out a laugh so wicked I don't know how to react to her.

I was in a relationship with Logan for two years. Two years! At least I should be able to tell what he is capable of, right?

"You are so foolish Rena." Olivia begins again after her wicked laughter fades "Honestly, I don't know if I should laugh at you for being such an idiot or pity you for being unaware of who you are up against here. His true nature anyway." She scowls, her detached eyes suddenly sad.

"What are you talking about Olivia?!" I say flustered "You are not making any sense."

"I'm not making any sense?" Olivia raises an eyebrow at me and then lets out a sinister laugh but the laugh she lets out seems to be more to herself than at anything really "I am not making any sense?" Olivia repeats again in a curt demeanor as she nods her head a couple times and then out of nowhere she shoots up from her seat, grabs the plastic cup on the table and throws it with so much aggression at me. I duck but look back at her. Olivia is furious, something I have never seen in my life and trust me, it ain't pretty.

"You fucking bitch!" She begins and I watch her green eyes change to black as she attempts to throw herself over the table in an attempt to attack me but is held back by Emile who swiftly holds her back with all the force he can mutter that won't hurt her "You ruined my damn life and you can still stand there and tell me I am not making any sense?" She yells at me while I remain shocked. Completely and utterly shocked "You know what princess? Go screw yourself! And go to hell while you're at it! The devil is calling your name!"

"Cousin calm down!" Emile speaks up finally and this just makes Olivia furiously pound against his chest asking him to let her go so she can send me to hell where I belong. But Emile just holds her tight whispering "It's okay, it's okay." in Olivia's ear until she breaks down sobbing against his chest.

I just stare at them both unable to react. Olivia is crying, her skin is red as a tomato and camouflaging the bruises all over her in the process. She looks sad. She looks...changed. She is definitely not the same Olivia I left a couple of weeks ago.

Emile's gaze catches mine as he motions a now calm and not sobbing Olivia to sit down. She does and look back at me. She sniffs a few times and then clears her throat.

"I hate you Lorena."She starts up again, her red swollen eyes affixed to me again "You're the reason all this happened. You're the reason that psychopath boyfriend of yours hurt all of our pack... hurt me." Her voice becomes barely audible at the last two words but I catch it.

"Olivia, cousin." Emile squats down next to her so they can be on the same eye level. Olivia looks at him, her affection for him showing. I can tell their cousin bond runs deep "Lorena is here, now please tell us everything. Please." Emile pleads with his eyes as his hand settles on Olivia's arm. She flinches and quickly retreats, pushing his hand off her in the process.

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