Chapter Twenty-Four

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Song for this Chapter is Arms by Christina Perri. You might want to listen to that while reading this chapter.

Yes, this song is Max and Lena's couple song. It fits them so perfectly that I simply could not resist...

Lorena's POV

I feel the water seeping into my mouth, overcoming my lungs, a brash burning starting within my chest and I can't even begin to explain it.

My body feels like it's floating as I feel it sink weightlessly into the river bed. My eyes throw themselves open and my vision falters completely.

I try my best to fight the torrent of the water, to go up for air as I feel the relentless burn in my lungs, my naked limbs kicking and screaming within this wet prison but the water I've swallowed weighs me down.

I try harder, cursing the fact I never joined my brother Leroy to swim. I should have learnt but I didn't and now this is how I'm going to go.

So I stop fighting as the burn seems to spread further into my ribcage and accept it. I let my eyes close as I slip into unconsciousness.

Max Emiliano's POV

I search for her incessantly, the tide of the river over riding my vision and my nerves hasten, wrapping themselves within me like nails against skin.

"Lena!" I yell out, hoping she hears me but there is no reply.

I go under water hoping to catch a glimpse of her but that's even worse because the water of this river is very murky.

"Lena!" I call out again, my voice shrill and near desperate and my eyes dart everywhere searching for her, Lena, my mate, my Luna, my wife.

She isn't responding and my heart is pumping heavily within my chest in worry and fear. No, I can't lose her.

She can't die, no.

I try to read her mind but it's not working. With a heavy heart, I search once more hurriedly. I didn't know she couldn't swim. I guess not only my Matthew and Melia can't swim but her as well.

"Lena!" I call out again but still no reply and then I notice something a short distance from me; hair at the surface.

I swim quickly and reach her, her body completely submerged in the water but her hair straying to the surface like spikes on a porcupine.

I pull her out instantly and realise she's unconscious and has obviously ingested too much water. I have to get her to land. Now.

I hold her naked body against mine instantly and swim as quickly as I can manage while fear drags further in my heart, weighing me down. I feel her heartbeat begin to slow down against me and I'm terrified. If anything happens to my mate, I will never be able to forgive myself.

I get to land and stagger instantly, almost dropping her in the process and I see the cloth she was previously clutched to on shore and I take it in my hands

Although the sight of her is beautiful, I understand that our relationship isn't at the best of places and so her being naked, no matter how perfect she looks to me, won't sit right with her. Also, it is distracting...

That's what I am thinking when I carefully place her against the grass, her weight straying to the side as I grab the cloth. I'm about to place it over her when I notice a huge scar on her lower back. It's circular and taints her otherwise flawless skin.

Once she's covered, I try to start her heart. I push down on her chest with my hands in my attempt at C.P.R., she doesn't budge.

"Lena, I won't lose you!" I tell her in an erratic tone, my hands cupping her face in conviction "Please, I can't lose you."

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