Chapter Twenty-Five

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"What?" I breathe out, disbelief overwhelming me as I stare up at Matthew whose eyes snap from Max's to mine.

A smile involuntarily creeps up on my face and I watch Matthew's eyes darken in disgust as he stares down at me.

"That's great!" I scream out, a happy laugh coming out of my scratchy throat.

"You planned this didn't you!" Matthew accuses, taking deliberately intimidating steps towards me but Max steps in between us instantly causing Matthew to halt on his tracks.

"Easy on the steps there brother, she's still my wife." Max says while I stare at Matthew's darkened eyes from behind Max. "How did Tyson escape?"

"Why don't you ask your wife over there!" Matthew lingers on the phrase 'your wife' his voice threatening.

"What do you mean?"

"The one day you take her out, her father miraculously escapes?" Matthew blurts out, his words threatening as he pushes his hand through his black hair in obvious anger.

"What are you insinuating?" I question, trying to push past Max to face his brother but Max holds me back.

"That you had something to do with this princess." He faces me squarely causing me to grit my teeth at him.

He will not accuse me without reason.

"Don't you-"

"You two! Calm down!" Max intervenes looking from me to Matthew and then back to me. "Lena go upstairs."

"What?" I raise my eyebrows in astonishment. Is he serious? "My dad just escaped. No way in hell am I moving from here."

I stand my ground, placing my hands on my hips in emphasis.

"Lena, please don't be stubborn." He turns towards me fully, his back now to his brother.


"Don't argue." He places his hands on my shoulder, face back to emotionless "Go upstairs now and take a shower so you can get out of this red cloth. We'll talk about your father later."

I forgot about the stupid one-sided mate bond marriage. He just used the clause against me and by the glint in his eyes and sly smile on his lips as my body tenses with the need to obey him, I can tell he knows.

"This isn't over." I counter as he takes his hands off my shoulders and I begin to walk away.

Matthew gives me an off look that reads 'this isn't over' but that's not what keeps my eyes lingering on Matthew longer than needed.

My eyes refuse to leave Matthew causing me to almost trip and Max to give me a weary look.

Why you ask?

Well, simply because Matthew has my necklace around his neck.


To say I want to strangle Matthew with my bare hands would be a major understatement.

That's all I can think as I slip on my blue dress and grab my blow dryer to dry my wet hair.

That guy stole my necklace and is now parading it for my mate to see. Smooth move. I'm so dead if Max recognises it. How do I even begin to explain?

Hey Max I kissed your brother for info you refused to share at that time and he stole my necklace as a souvenir?

"Yeah don't tell him that." Scarletta echoes within me.

"Then what do I tell him Scarletta?" I ask out loud as the sound of the hair dryer comes on full force.

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