Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter is once again dedicated to ghenovo  for being my most active reader. Her comments simply make my day, hence also making her my most active commenter 🙌.

"Tell me one thing Logan." I look over to him as he leans closer to me, our backs resting against the rough tree bark.

The weather was sunny and hot and we were spending the day together in the woods. Our usual Saturdays.

"What?" He asks, the dull expression never leaving his face as his blue eyes meet mine.

"Why are you always so quiet? You know it scares me sometimes." I trace my fore finger slowly around the base of his chin "It's like you have a whole other world in that head of yours."

Logan's body tenses up against me, causing him to stare at me even more intensely and then he just shifts his gaze and pulls me against his chest. I lay against his chest and his fingers push themselves in and out of my hair.

"I do have another world inside my head Lorena." He says slowly as his fingers stop moving through my hair.

I feel a weird tension fill me. Logan always makes me feel like this. One minute, he makes me feel like he is my protector and with him by my side, no one can hurt me. And then the next, he makes me feel like prey and like my protector has become my predator. It happens within the blink of an eye. Not that he hurts me or anything. It's just an overwhelming sensation most times. Like now.

Logan leans down into my ear, causing our bodies to tighten against each other as we get closer. He pushes the strand of brown hair that is covering my ear away with his finger. I flinch in a weird mix of anticipation and dread as I feel his heartbeat calm against me.

"And you know what Lorena?" Logan's voice becomes husky and filled with a mysterious darkness. My heartbeat quickens. "You should be scared."


My eyes quickly fly open as agitation hits me. I take a deep breathe at the familiarity of my surroundings. Dawn is just beginning so I feel the sunlight kiss my moist face. I'm in my bed, entangled with Emile. His left arm is bound around my waist as one of his legs is placed in between both of mine and his head is asleep against the crook of my neck.

Our bodies seem to be tied together, the only demarcation being the clothing we are both wearing. Although this feels so strange and yet so natural, I find myself savoring it. Finding solace in this closeness, the warmth, this bond...

"Of course you are babe. He's our mate and he's deliciously hot!" Scarletta echoes from within. She's been so silent lately, I was starting to miss her but right now, not so much.

"Oh shut up Scarletta and go away!" I reprimand.

"Why? so you can reflect on Logan and that dream you just had of him. Or should I say memory manifesting as a dream?"  She says with hefty annoyance and I just stay silent, unable to answer her.

"Fuck!" Scarletta curses. She has never been the one to censor her words, much to my annoyance.

"Language Scar. What is it?" I scoff at her from within.

"He heard us Lorena.."  What does she mean?

At that, Emile tightens his body around me and I feel his breathing against my ear. It is no longer light and quiet but now it's bulky and noticeable. It feels like his nostrils are flaring and I can feel his skin becoming insanely hot against me.

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