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It's so weird and I think somewhat lucky that I'm ending this book with exactly 999 votes😂... By the time I publish this epilogue, I'll be the first person to vote and that will make it 1k. I think the universe is trying to congratulate me and weirdly tell me something. Feel free to leave theories on what the universe is trying to say.

The DarkNess Within Him is out after this! Feel free to check it out.

No more babbling, Enjoy...


Three Months Later...

For what feels like the hundredth time, I finish a bottle of water and toss it into the trash can next to the mirror, viewing several other empty bottles as I do so.

All I do is drink water.

I look at the mirror, lifting my shirt to get a clear view of pregnant stomach. For a pregnancy of over three months, I have to say that my stomach is bigger than expected. The protruding belly that cannot stay hidden in clothes anymore. My bulging stomach that I love staring at so much, thinking about the baby that is growing within me.

Esmeralda told me that I'm having a boy and although I'm so happy, I'm slightly upset it isn't a girl. I would have loved to name her Violet. The colour gotten from my favorite colour blue and Max's favourite red but now, I can't figure out what to call my son.

Picking out baby names is harder than I thought but despite that, I can't wait to welcome my bundle of joy in less than four months. Werewolf pregnancies only last seven months. (Author's disclaimer: this isn't a fact but for my story, I chose seven months instead of the usual 6 or 9. I don't like clichés lol)

Max's hand comes around my stomach from my back and then he rests his head on my shoulder, eliciting a wide smile from me. Our endless sparks still bring me so much joy and it seems like so long ago that we lost those sparks. For a night anyway. A very beautiful night though. I guess I have to thank my broken bond for one thing, my baby.

"Yes, you do!" Scarletta chimes from within me, purring in delight at her mate's hands on us. Typical Scarletta!

"How's Junior today?" Max says against my ear, rubbing his hand around my stomach in small circular movements and I can't help the happiness that fills me. I also can't help my sudden craving for chocolate.

"I told you, we're not calling our son that!" I say primly, turning to give him a sharp look.

"What do you have against Max Emiliano Junior?" Max sighs in a pout, his scrunched face looking rather childish and I poke him in the arm.

"Everything! There is only room for one Max in my life!" I say definitely, pulling my shirt down to hide my stomach and Max lifts his hands to cup my face.

"You'll be exhausted after the delivery." He starts, his smile mischievous as he leans down to kiss me on the forehead. "We'll see who wins then."

I push him away from me quickly, my face twisting into a scoff and he only shoots me a grin.

"If you name my son without my input, I will kill you in your sleep!" I warn through a forced frown.

"You love me too much to kill me." Max coos swiftly, his eyes confident and I can't help the way my face lights up. Traitor!

"Whatever. I'm craving dark chocolate."

"You should have said that earlier Lena, how could you deprive my son of what he wants? Mean woman." He shakes his head teasingly and I turn to pick up the hair brush on the dresser and toss it at him. It hits and he yelps slightly "I'm going, I'm going!"

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