Chapter Thirteen

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Warning guys!!!!: Steamy scenes ahead. If you can't handle such, skip this chapter... If you can, well then go on and enjoy this chapter!

Two Years Earlier...

"Logan!" I scream in worry. This game has been going on for way too long now "Seriously Logan, where are you?"

Stupid Logan convinced me to play a childish game of Hide and Seek. We're playing in the woods close to the border between my pack and his.

The game was fun before but I think I've scavenged the woods for over ten minutes now and I can't find him. I can't find Logan.

I run my fingers through my scalp in gritted frustration, feeling my sharpened claws run through my scalp, hurting me and drawing blood as I push my hair aside. Where is Logan? And most importantly, where am I?

I plummet to the ground in utter frustration. I feel like crying but no, I won't.

"Logan!" I shout. "Where are you?" I scream this time and hear my voice pierces through the air, reverberations superceeding them.

"I told you to stop playing dollhouse with this boy Rena! But you never listen!" Scarletta begins "Now look, he's left us lost in the woods. On his territory. I think we crossed our border a long while back looking for that dufus!"

"Scarletta shut up, please!" I yell out loud. I almost never talk to my wolf out loud but currently, my judgement is way too clouded to think about how insane I would look to anyone that might see me. Oh what am I even saying? I am alone in the woods!  "I know I made a mistake, no need to rub it in!"

"Fine! Go on then, keep sneaking around with that idiot. See if I care!" She huffs and then cuts off communication.

"Ahhhhh!" I shout in anger and I punch my fist into the green earth beneath me. I feel the sting but I do it again! Where is he? Why has he left me? I feel my bare thighs begin to itch from contact with the grass but I don't budge, I just keep punching into the earth.

"How many times have I told you that violence won't ever solve a thing?" I hear a huskily quiet voice breathing deep breathes into my right ear; Logan's voice. He's right next to me.

My fists go limb as does my whole body stiffen. He's never been this close to me before. My fists refuse to move from their earthed position in the grass. They neither attack the grass nor retreat from it.

Slowly, Logan's hands encircle around my body as he leans to grab my hands. When he suceeds he motions for me to stand up. I do and then I turn around to stare at him in all his glory and his blue eyes. Those glorious crystal orbs.

Logan holds onto my hands and despite the pain I feel from the bruises I got from punching, Logan's touch softens the ordeal.

"Just look what you've done to your hands!" He says as he looks away from me and towards my bruised knuckles.

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