Chapter Nineteen

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This chapter is dedicated to AmberChavez860 for being a dedicated reader. Thank you so much...

"Wow! Talk about intense!" My head whips around so fast when I hear the bubbly voice that I am surprised it doesn't strain.

Leaning against the wall close to my bed is that girl in the yellow dress. Her penetrating green eyes staring straight at me, her laugh haunting and laced with amusement.

"I must be going mad." I gasp in major disbelief, placing my hands over my small mouth as my eyes widen further and she giggles at me.

"So you can see me?" She lets out another eerie giggle as her lips curve upwards in a bigger smile.

"W-who are y-you?" I stutter, my hands falling to the side as my body stays motionless, terror seizing me. I must be going crazy!

"Um depends. Technically, you are the only one that can see me. This is so cool!" The girl squeals, her body straightening from her leaning position against the wall.

"Are you a g-ghost?" I manage to say as my lip tightens, my eyes still agape as it traces over her cautiously.

"Seems so!" Her eyes gleam. "Don't worry Lorena, I won't hurt you!"

"H-how do you know my n-name?" I squeak, taking a step backwards as my eyes squint at her. I have to be dreaming, right?

"Oh please!" She rolls her eyes and shrugs "I've been watching you guys for like ever! I swear the drama in this house beats any reality tv show out there!"

"Okayyy. I am officially creep-ed out!" I  exclaim, my fingers still trembling. I am talking to a ghost. Wow!

"You and that mate of yours are hot though." She licks her lips and winks at me before pouting "Too bad you two fight so much."

"Okay seriously this is weird now. Who are you? And why are you spying on me?" I demand, my fists clenching as my lips set in a straight line.

"Just call me Mel." She beams, her straight shoulder length blonde hair swaying to the side.

"Is that even your real name?" My eyes narrow at her.

Mel doesn't answer but instead saunters towards me and stares at me, the amused look playing on her lips again.

"Who knows?" She breathes out and giggles again.

"You laugh and smile too much. It's weird!" I tell her while staring at her cautiously again.

"It beats being angry all the time" She begins, her nose wrinkling and lips puckering lightly "Like you and that mate of yours. You two need major anger management."

I scoff. There is no way I am going to argue with a ghost about feelings.

"So tell me something.." Her lips set into another creepy contorted smile again.


"When are you two going to have sex and mate already? It's been a while and I am seriously getting bored here." She shoots me a sad look and my eyes widen again but this time in embarrassment as my cheeks blush a bright red.

"Shut up!" I reprimand loudly, my face serious as I walk away from her and sit down on my bed.

"What?" She turns around and shoots me an innocent look "Seriously, it's what everyone is thinking!"

"Can we stop talking about this?" I say flustered, my eyes shooting daggers at her pale skin.

"Whatever you want!" She sighs in defeat.

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